The full form of IAC is India Against Corruption. Catch the helpline number, other contact numbers, phone numbers, address, email id of India Against Corruption lead by Mr. Sarbajit Roy (National Convenor) and Mr. Veeresh Malik (Co-Convenor). Earlier Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, was also the part of this movement but is now leading Aam .Aadmi Party. Both IAC and AAP are still guided by seniors like Shanti Bhushan etc. IAC is a fully revolutionary socialist organization for Indian people based on 'garam' ideology of Hindustan Republican Association founded in 1924 by Sachindranath Sanyal and which had members like Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Ram Prasd Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan, Rajendra Lahiri, Roshan Singh. It is fully opposed to foreign colonialism and their Indian lackeys. The IAC movement was founded on 26.February 2007 at New Delhi to expose corruption of Common Wealth Games 2010. After conclusion ofgames, IAC launched a massive campaign all-India anti-corruption campaign to expose Commonwealth Games scamsters in association with many other anti-corruption forces and patriotic movements. We are serving the contact details through which any person who belongs to any part of the country can contact the head quarters of IAC.
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