
What is the salary of a Specialist Officer at Jammu & Kashmir Bank?

The salary for Specialist Officers at Jammu & Kashmir Bank isn't specifically mentioned, but here's some general salary information:

  1. Branch Manager: They typically earn between ₹5.6 Lakhs to ₹20 Lakhs annually, with an average of ₹13.6 Lakhs.
  2. Specialist Officers (e.g., Chartered Accountants, Engineers): Specific salary details for them at Jammu & Kashmir Bank aren't readily available. You might find updated information on the bank's official website.
  3. Other Positions: Salaries vary widely based on roles like IT Executive, Sales Executive, Brand Manager, etc. They depend on factors like experience and qualifications.
PositionPay Scale (Approx.)
Banking Associate₹11,765 - ₹31,540
Probationary Officer₹23,700 - ₹42,020
Branch Manager₹5.6 Lakhs - ₹20 Lakhs/year

Some general details about the salary structures for different positions at Jammu & Kashmir Bank:

  1. Banking Associate:
    • The salary for a Banking Associate starts at Rs. 13,075 per month.
    • The overall pay scale for Banking Associates ranges from Rs. 11,765 to Rs. 31,540 per month.
  2. Probationary Officer (PO):
    • Probationary Officers (POs) receive a basic pay of Rs. 23,700 per month.
    • The pay scale for POs ranges from Rs. 23,700 to Rs. 42,020 per month.
  3. Branch Manager:
    • Branch Managers earn between Rs. 5.6 Lakhs to Rs. 20 Lakhs per year, with an average annual salary of Rs. 13.6 Lakhs.

Specialist Officers (SOs) hold important positions in various sectors, including banking and healthcare. Let's delve into their roles and responsibilities:

  1. Banking Sector Specialist Officers:
    • Job Profile: SOs in banks are appointed for specific roles based on their expertise. They handle specialized tasks to ensure smooth banking operations.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Technology Management: Overseeing IT systems and digital services to enhance banking operations.
      • Product Promotion: Promoting banking services and products to customers effectively.
      • Risk Management: Assessing and managing risks associated with banking operations.
      • Compliance and Legal Matters: Ensuring compliance with regulations and handling legal aspects.
      • Financial Analysis: Analyzing financial data and contributing to decision-making processes.
      • Customer Support: Providing specialized assistance to customers regarding banking matters.
      • Training: Conducting training sessions for staff or customers on specialized topics.
      • Project Management: Working on specific projects related to their area of expertise.
      • Collaboration: Working with other departments and teams to achieve organizational goals.
  2. Healthcare Sector Specialist Officers:
    • Job Profile: Healthcare specialists focus on specific medical areas such as radiology or cardiology.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Patient Care: Providing specialized medical care, diagnosis, and treatment.
      • Research: Contributing to medical research and advancements in their field.
      • Consultations: Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.
      • Education: Teaching and mentoring medical students and professionals.
      • Quality Improvement: Working on improving patient outcomes and healthcare processes.
      • Leadership: Leading departments or units within healthcare facilities.
  3. Other Sectors:
    • Specialists in fields like law, IT, marketing, and more have unique responsibilities based on their expertise and industry requirements.


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