
How to contact the Regional Manager at Geojit Financial Services?

To contact a Regional Manager at Geojit Financial Services, you have several options:

  1. Corporate Office: You can visit or contact the corporate office in Kochi, Kerala. The address is 34/659-P, Civil Line Road, Padivattom, Kochi, Kerala 682024. The phone number is +91 484-2901000, and you can email them at
  2. Customer Care: For general queries, complaints, or service-related issues, you can reach out to their customer care team. They have toll-free and paid numbers, as well as email support. The toll-free numbers are 1800-425-5501 and 1800-103-5501, and the paid number is 0484-4114306. Their email address is
  3. Self-Service Channels: Geojit offers self-service options like WhatsApp and Telegram chatbots. You can message the WhatsApp chatbot at 9995500044, or find them on Telegram at @Geojitbot. Additionally, there's a WhatsApp research number at 9995810001.
  4. Grievances and Escalation: If you have specific grievances related to trading or other matters, you can use dedicated email addresses. These include for trading-related issues, for DP-related concerns, and for PMS-related matters. For other grievances, you can email If you encounter market manipulation or fraudulent activities, report them to
  5. SEBI and Escalation: If your concerns aren't resolved satisfactorily, you can escalate them to SEBI or the relevant stock exchange/depository. Refer to SEBI Circulars for dispute resolution guidelines.
  6. Contact Person: You can also reach out to the Chief Information Security Officer, Issac Yohannan, at


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