
What is the salary of the Research Associates at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals?

The average monthly and annual salaries at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals based on different roles:

  1. New Graduates:
    • Average Monthly Salary: Approximately ₹15,272 per month.
  2. Research Associates:
    • Average Monthly Salary: Around ₹23,710 per month.
    • Average Annual Salary Range: ₹2,10,000 to ₹10,36,937 per year.

The average annual salary estimates for Research Associates at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals in India, categorized by different departments:

DepartmentExperienceAverage Salary (₹ Lakhs)Salary Range (₹ Lakhs)
Research & Development0 - 5 years4.52.1 - 7.2
Healthcare & Life Sciences1 - 5 years4.32.4 - 5.7
Legal & Regulatory0 - 5 years4.02.1 - 4.4
Quality Assurance1 - 5 years4.63.1 - 4.9

Your key responsibilities:

  1. Innovative Research:
    • Collaborate with scientists across different teams globally.
    • Contribute to discovering novel chemical and biological entities.
    • Work on advanced platforms like BEAT® for targeted cancer therapy¹.
  2. Drug Development:
    • Conduct pre-clinical research to assess potential drug candidates.
    • Explore various therapeutic areas such as Oncology, Respiratory, and Dermatology.
    • Assist in developing drug formulations and conducting analytical research⁴.
  3. Data Review and Documentation:
    • Review technical data essential for regulatory submissions.
    • Ensure adherence to regulatory guidelines and draft correspondence to regulatory authorities like the USFDA².
  4. Product Lifecycle Management:
    • Manage timely submissions of Supplements to the US FDA.
    • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations to maintain product lifecycle³.
  5. Scientific Collaboration:
    • Engage in knowledge exchange with renowned scientists.
    • Contribute to groundbreaking discoveries that could revolutionize medical treatments.

Some common benefits that employees across various roles within the Glenmark Group may receive:

  1. Housing Allowance: Some companies offer housing allowances to assist with accommodation expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments.
  2. Transportation Allowance: Employees may receive transportation allowances to cover commuting costs, including reimbursement for fuel or public transportation expenses.
  3. Wellness Programs:
    • Health and Fitness: Wellness programs may include gym memberships, fitness classes, or wellness challenges to promote a healthy lifestyle.
    • Mental Health Support: Counseling services, stress management workshops, or employee assistance programs may be available to support mental well-being.
    • Health Check-ups: Companies may offer regular health check-ups and preventive screenings to promote overall wellness.
    • Nutrition and Diet: Educational sessions on nutrition and healthy eating habits may be provided to encourage employee wellness.


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