
What is the salary of a Probationary Officer at Jammu & Kashmir Bank?

The salary for Probationary Officers (PO) at Jammu & Kashmir Bank is structured as follows:

  • Basic Pay: ₹23,700 per month
  • Pay Scale: Ranges from ₹23,700 to ₹32,850 per month
PositionAverage Annual Salary (Lakhs per year)Experience Range
Banking Associate₹5.20-8 years
Associate Executive₹7.22-10 years
Probationary Officers₹23.7-
Branch Manager₹13.610-14 years
Branch Head₹20.914-20 years
Accountant₹3.71-7 years
IT Manager₹10.58-20 years
Credit Manager₹12.27-13 years
Banking Assistant₹4.92-7 years
Computer Operator₹2.73-5 years
Cashier cum Clerk₹1.45-9 years

Probationary Officers at Jammu & Kashmir Bank earn between ₹36,000 to ₹63,840 per month. For Banking Associates, the salary ranges from ₹17,900 to ₹47,920 per month.

Bank Probationary Officer (PO) is an entry-level manager in a bank. Here's what they do:

  1. Training: They undergo training to learn about banking operations like customer service and loan processing.
  2. Customer Service: They help customers, address complaints, and ensure good customer relations.
  3. Branch Management: They oversee branch activities, manage staff, and ensure everything runs smoothly.
  4. Decision-Making: They're involved in decisions like approving loans and managing risks, contributing to the bank's functioning.
  5. Leadership: As they grow, they're expected to show leadership, financial skills, and good communication.


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