Whirlpool Corporate Office Address, Phone Number, Email, Website
Whirlpool is one of the World known brands in the field of Home Appliances. They are the manufacturer and marketer of home appliances at the multinational level. It’s an American based Company. The company is named as “Whirlpool Corporation” and was founded in 1911 in the United States only. In this post customer will also find the answers of all general searchings of customers such as how to contact Whirlpool Corporate, what is the head office address of Whirlpool Corporate, what is the head office phone number of Whirlpool Corporate, what is the head office email id of Whirlpool Corporate, Whirlpool Corporate contact details, Whirlpool Corporate head office contact details etc.
Whirlpool entered India in the 1980s and later on started the company “Whirlpool of India Limited” which is headquartered in Gurgaon. They manufacture different products like Washing Machines, Refrigerator, Microwave Ovens, Air Conditioners, Water Purifiers, Built in, Home Power, Induction Cooktop, and Accessories. They have different products in each of the categories which are available with different features. They are having a huge market in India and it is also one of the popular Home Appliances brands in India. Here in this article, we will be sharing the contact details of the offices of Whirlpool India. The customers can use contact details for contact details to contact or to write to Whirlpool India for sharing their views or issues with Whirlpool India.
Whirlpool Offices Contact Details
There are many offices of Whirlpool India available in India and the people searching for some contact details to contact Whirlpool India can also check out the office's contact details we are sharing below. The contact details we are sharing below include full office address, telephone number and fax number of the corporate office and registered office of Whirlpool India.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Details
Whirlpool Corporate Office Contact Details
The Corporate Office of Whirlpool India is located in Gurgaon. All contact details are shared below.
Whirlpool Corporate Office Address: M/s Whirlpool of India Ltd., Whirlpool House, Plot No. 40, Sector 44, Gurgaon – 122002, Haryana.
Whirlpool Corporate Office Phone Number: +91-124-4591300
Whirlpool Corporate Office Fax Number: +91-124-4591301
Whirlpool Corporate Office Email ID:
Whirlpool Registered Office Contact Details
The customers searching for the registered office of Whirlpool India can have a look below as it is shared with its full contact information.
Whirlpool Registered Office Address: Whirlpool India Limited, Plot No. A-4 MIDC, Ranjangaon, Taluka Shirur, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra 412220.
Whirlpool Registered Office Phone Number: 02138-660100
Whirlpool Registered Office Fax Number: 02138-232376 / 02138-232229
Whirlpool India Official Website:
For more and any other information related to Whirlpool India and its products, consumers may visit the website mentioned above.
Whirlpool India Social Profiles
To check out the latest updates, reviews, etc of the different products of Whirlpool India, consumers can follow its social profiles available on the Internet World and they can also share their views over their on these profiles.
Official Facebook Page:
Youtube Channel:
Pinterest Profile:
Google+ Profile:
Important Links
Whirlpool India Blog:
Here above is the link of the official blog of Whirlpool India where the consumers can get the official updates related to Whirlpool India Company and its products.
For the job-related queries and information, willing people can go through the above link and can have any of the information related to jobs and recruitments in Whirlpool India.
Whirlpool India Online Store:
To buy and to have a look at the different products of Whirlpool India, consumers can visit the online store of Whirlpool India mentioned above.
Whirlpool India Feedback / Complaints:
For sharing the feedback and complaints with Whirlpool India, consumers can use the contact us page mentioned above.
What is the Office Phone Number of Whirlpool?
Whirlpool Office Contact Details |
Phone Numbers |
Head Office |
+91-124-4591300 |
Registered Office |
02138-660100 |
How to contact Whirlpool Office (Other Ways)?
Whirlpool Office Contact Details |
Address and Email IDs |
Head Office Address |
M/s Whirlpool of India Ltd., Whirlpool House, Plot No. 40, Sector 44, Gurgaon – 122002, Haryana. |
Head Office Email ID | |
Head Office Fax Number |
+91-124-4591301 |
Registered Office Address |
Whirlpool India Limited, Plot No. A-4 MIDC, Ranjangaon, Taluka Shirur, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra 412220. |
Registered Office Fax Number |
02138-232376 / 02138-232229 |
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