Whirlpool AC Customer Care Number, Toll Free Number, Email ID
Following this page will lead you towards Whirlpool Air Conditioner customer service contact details. It includes Whirlpool AC customer care number, toll-free helpline number along with email ID with reference of the official website of the company. Below customers can also find the answer of all general searching of customers such as how to contact Whirlpool AC customer care, what is the customer care number of Whirlpool AC, what is the toll-free number of Whirlpool AC, what is the customer care email id of Whirlpool AC, what is the SMS number of Whirlpool AC, Whirlpool AC customer care contact details, Whirlpool AC toll-free number, Whirlpool AC email id etc.
Whirlpool offers various products for the customers all over in India and Air Conditioner (AC) is one of the products they manufacture. They make both Split AC and Window AC. Some of the features available in Whirlpool Split AC are Dual Fan Compressor Technology, Climate Control Technology, 3D Cool Technology for fast and uniform, Japanese Compressor, etc. And 6th Sense Energy Saver, Turbo Cool Function, MPFI Technology, 6th Sense Auto Restart, etc are some of the features available in Window Air Conditioners. There are huge varieties available in these both types Whirlpool ACs. They also offer customer care support with their products and here we will be sharing customer care support of Whirlpool for Indian customers in details.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Details
The users and willing to be users of Whirlpool Air Conditioners are also provided with customer care support in case they are having queries, suggestions, complaints, feedback, etc related to ACs of Whirlpool.
Whirlpool AC Toll-Free Number: 1800-208-1800
This is the customer care toll-free number for the customers of Whirlpool AC and call can be made to this number for 8AM-8PM in all 7 days in the week. As it’s a toll-free number so call charges might not apply.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Number: 60008558
Here above have shared the customer care number for the Whirlpool AC Customers and it’s not a toll-free number so call charges will be there. The customers calling from landlines can directly call on this number and no need to apply the prefix STD but in the case of mobile and BSNL, prefix STD is required. This number is also available in all 365 days between 8 AM to 8 PM.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Number: 1860-180-4558 (BSNL / MTNL)
The BSNL/MTNL Phone lines user can directly call on this customer care number in case of no availability of other numbers. It is also not a toll-free number and available at service at same timings of other numbers.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Email ID:
The customers having queries and complaint related to Whirlpool AC can contact on the above email id mentioned above which is the customer care email id for Air Conditioner users of Whirlpool.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care SMS Number: 58558
In case customers want Whirlpool customer care to call them for resolving the query, they can text on the above customer care SMS Number or can also send voice mail on this number. And then customers will be called back in working hours.
Whirlpool Office Contact Details
Whirlpool Official Website:
The official website of Whirlpool has mentioned above and for more information, customers can visit this website anytime.
Whirlpool Social Profiles
For latest updates and offers on Whirlpool products, customers can follow the social profiles of Whirlpool and they can also share the views and reviews on these profiles.
Google Plus:
YouTube Channel:
Facebook Page:
Important Link
Whirlpool AC FAQs:
The answers of basic frequently asked questions related to Whirlpool ACs can be viewed from the FAQ page of the website of Whirlpool. And for that, a customer can use the above link.
Whirlpool AC Info:
All the category of Air Conditioners of Whirlpool is available on the website of Whirlpool with full features and specifications. With this link, a customer can reach out the related information.
Whirlpool Blog:
Latest updates on Whirlpool ACs can be viewed over the official blog of Whirlpool and the link shared above.
What is the Customer Care Number of Whirlpool AC?
Whirlpool AC Customer Support |
Phone Numbers |
Toll-Free Number |
1800-208-1800 |
Customer Care Number |
60008558 ((Prefix STD Code) |
Customer Care Number (BSNL/MTNL) |
1860-180-4558 |
How to contact Whirlpool AC Customer Care (Other Ways)?
Whirlpool AC Customer Support |
Email IDs / Important Links |
Customer Care Email ID | |
Customer Care SMS Number |
58558 |
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