Want to contact Trivendra Singh Rawat? In this article, all important information related to the Trivendra Singh Rawat has been shared like phone number, office address, email fax number and social profiles. So people having queries like how to contact Trivendra Singh Rawat, what is phone number of Trivendra Singh Rawat, what is office address of Trivendra Singh Rawat, what is the residence address of Trivendra Singh Rawat, is there any official website of Trivendra Singh Rawat, what is the email id of Trivendra Singh Rawat and other similar queries are tried to answered in this article Trivendra Singh Rawat is 57 years old. He is the son of Late Pratap Singh. He is a post graduate and has done M.A and Diploma in Journalism from HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar in 1983 and 1984. He possesses a clean image and no criminal record has been found against him till date. He has declared assets of more than one crore. From 1983 to 2002, he was the member of Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh and held the position of organising secretary of Uttarakhand. He first got nominated in the year 2002 for the state legislative assembly where he won the elections from Doiwala region and became the Agriculture minister of the state. Till 2007 he retained his position as agriculture minister. In 2012 he lost from Raipur region of Dehradun to Umesh Sharma. While in 2017 he again won from Doiwala region with 58502 votes. Trivendra Singh Rawat is really close to Amit Shah and under his leadership, he worked really hard in 2014 general elections as the regional election in-charge of Uttar Pradesh. He has done a lot for farmer’s cause and welfare as an agriculture minister and in 2010 he took up the issue of Special Agricultural Zones (SAZ) in Uttarakhand to the government in the centre at that time. Not only for Uttarakhand, Trivendra Singh Rawat is also a chief person for Bhartiya Janta party’s victory in assembly pole of Jharkhand. As we all know in Uttarakhand, BJP won the Legislative Assembly elections with a clean sweep which held on February 15, 2017. There were different names which were coming up as to who will be the next Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. And the person who replaced Harish Singh Rawat of congress is Trivendra Singh Rawat. On 18 As we all know in Uttarakhand, BJP won the Legislative Assembly elections with a clean sweep which held on February 15, 2017. There were different names which were coming up as to who will be the next Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. And the person who replaced Harish Singh Rawat of congress is Trivendra Singh Rawat. On 18th March 2017, he was sworn in as the 8th chief minister of Uttarakhand in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Mondi at parade Ground of the capital city of Uttarakhand, Dehradun.
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