Raghu Ram is very popular among the youth of India. What are the contact details of Raghu Ram? What is the phone number of Raghu Ram? What is the contact email id of Raghu Ram? What is the residence address of Raghu Ram? What are the official social profiles of Raghu Ram? What is the official website of Raghu Ram? What is the WhatsApp number of Raghu Ram? These are some of the common queries that people search about Raghu Ram. Available answers to these questions are shared in this article. Along with social profiles and official website of Raghu Ram is shared below. Rahu Ram Ambadapudi popularly known as Raghu Ram is an Indian television actor and producer. Rahu Ram came into limelight because of reality TV series titled MTV Roadies where he used to interview people. His nature and comments over the participants of MTV Roadies make him popular. Raghu Ram was born on 15th April 1973 in Andhra Pradesh, India. He was the senior supervising producer of MTV India & executive producer of MTV Splitsvilla and MTV Roadies. Rahu married to Sugandha Garg in 2006 but got the divorce in 2016. Sugandha Garg is an Indian film actress, TV host and singer. Raghu Ram has an identical twin named Rajiv Laxman. Rahu father Viswanath Ambadapuri is a chartered accountant and his mother is a journalist by profession. Raghu completed his school education from Woodstock School, Landour. He completed his graduation from Osmania University located in Hyderabad. Raghu Ram has a height of 5 feet and 9 inches and he weighs around 68 kgs. Raghu body measurements are Chest: 38 inches, Waist: 30 inches and Biceps: 13 inches. Raghu has Aries as zodiac sign and follows Hindu religion. Raghu made his film debut from Tees Maar Khan in 2010 and TV debut from MTV Roadies which was aired in 2000. His hobbies are Singing and travelling. His favourite food is Chinese and Moong Dal Halwa. His favourite actors are Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan while his favourite actress is Madhuri Dixit. Raghu has written a book "Rearview: My Roadies Journey" where he talks about his journey from childhood to being the judge on reality show MTV Roadies.
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