Have you ever heard the name of actress Puvika Gupta? If you want to know contact details like her phone number and E-mail id and have the curiosity to know what is the residence address and WhatsApp number, official account of Puvika Gupta? Then you can get all the details related to her in this article
Puvika Gupta is a popular Indian television child actress, child Model .She was born on 16 December 2014 in Mumbai India. Now the age of Puvika Gupta is 6 years old ( according to 2020 ). Her height is 3 feet and 7inches ,110cm, 1.10m and weight is 20kg . Hair length is middle and the color is black in the middle lenght of hair. She looks cute.
She has worked in as Commercial Lead in :- TVC and print shoot of Dairy Day Ice cream , TVC of surf Excel Digital Brand shoot, TVC of Cadbury and print of Abbott Laboratories.Commercial photo shoot :- Catalog shoot for Pineapple Brand.TV Lead :- Worked as Firdaus in Zee TV Serial Ishq Subhan Allah and now as Preeti in Star Plus Serial Shaadi MubarakAlso in2019 , she participated Best Nanhe Sadasya Award in Zee Rishtey Awards.
We cannot share all the personal details of the child actress due to some security reasons.But we will try to share the contact information provided by them for their fans.
Puvika Gupta office Address: N/A
Puvika Gupta Residence Address: N/A
Puvika Gupta Phone no.: N/A
Puvika Gupta Mobile no.: N/A
Puvika Gupta Whatsapp no.: N/A
Puvika Gupta Fax Number: N/A
Puvika Gupta Email ID: N/A
Puvika Gupta Manager Number: N/A
Puvika Gupta Official Website: N/A
Puvika Gupta is available on social media platforms including instagram etc.As she loves interacting with her fans. Social media is the best way to connect with the personal and professional life of your favorite one. So you can follow her social media profiles to keep you updated about her.
Facebook Page: facebook.com/puvika.gupta
Twitter Handle: N/A
Pinterest Profile: N/A
Google Plus Profile: N/A
Instagram Page: instagram.com/puvikag
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCPwnQWbWLPJ95meVWAhPczg
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