Searching for the contact details of Nitish Kumar? Some common queries that people search about Nitish Kumar are. What is the office address of Nitish Kumar? What are the contact details of Nitish Kumar? What is the residence address of Nitish Kumar? What are the active social profiles of Nitish Kumar? What is the contact number of Nitish Kumar? What is the contact email id of Nitish Kumar? Etc. Available answers to these questions are shared below. Also get to know about the active social profiles of the politician and official website (if available). Nitish Kumar is an Indian politician and the 24th Chief Minister of Bihar who joined the office on 20th November 2015. He belongs to the Janata Dal United (JD(U)) and is the leader of the party. He was born on March 1, 1951 in Kalyanbigha in Nalanda district of Bihar in a Kurmi family to Kabiraj Ram Lakhan Singh and Parmeshwari Devi. His father was a freedom fighter and was a close friend of Anugrah Narayan Singh also known as Bihar Vibhuti who was one of the founders of modern Bihar. Nitish completed his electrical engineering in 1971 from Bihar College of Engineering. He went on to join the Bihar State Electricity Board. But his real passion lied in politics, so he later moved into politics. He got married to Manju Kumari Sinha who was a teacher, on February 22, 1973. The couple has a son named Nishant Kumar who is also an engineer. He lost his wife in 2007 at the age of 53. He had served as the Chief Minister of Bihar from 2005 to 2014. He was also a Minister in the Union Government of India. Under his reign, Bihar has seen its development. This is why the cumulative growth rate of GDP of Bihar has been the highest of Bihar during his tenure as CM as compared to other states for that period.
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