What is the office address of Mukul Sangma? What are the contact details of Mukul Sangma? What is the residence address of Mukul Sangma? What are the active social profiles of Mukul Sangma? What is the contact number of Mukul Sangma? What is the contact email id of Mukul Sangma? Etc. These are some of the frequent questions that people search and available answers to these questions are shared below. Also get to know about the active social profiles of the politician and official website (if available). Dr. Mukul M. Sangma is an Indian politician and the 11th Chief Minister of Meghalaya and Joined the office on 20th April 2010. He belongs to the Indian National Congress party. He was born at Chengkompara village in the South West Garo Hills district on April 20, 1965. His father’s name was Binoy Bhushan M Marak and mother’s name was Roshana Begum. He is married to Dikkanchi D. Shira and the couple has 4 children. In 1982, he completed his schooling from the Government High School in Ampati. In 1984, he passed the pre-university examination of St. Anthony's College in Shillong in Science. In 1989, he graduated from the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Imphal in medicine. Since his college, he took a lot of interest in politics. He held many positions in the Students Council of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences. He is a physician by profession. Dr. Mukul M. Sangma joined as a medical and health officer at Zikzak Public Health Centre in 1991. In 1993, Dr. Sangma joined active politics in 1993. He was elected to the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly from Ampatigiri constituency. He was appointed as the chairman of the Meghalaya Transport Corporation. In the year 1998, 2003 and 2008, he was re-elected to the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly as a member of Indian National Congress from Ampatigiri constituency. He became the home and education minister of Meghalaya under the leadership of Chief Minister D. D. Lapang in 2003. He was appointed the deputy chief minister of Meghalaya on April 11, 2015, but was forced to resign on October 7, 2005. He was re- elected as the deputy chief minister of the Indian National Congress in Meghalaya which was led by Chief Minister D. D. Lapang on May 13, 2009. He took the oath as the Chief Minister of Meghalaya on April 20, 2010, when D. D. Lapang gave his resignation on April 19, 2010.
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