Fans of Jassi Gill may have some questions related to Jassi Gill like, what is the phone number of Jassi Gill, what is the residence address of Jassi Gill, where is the office of Jassi gill, Facebook fan page of Jassi Gill and various more. So, here we are providing you with all the contact details of Jassi Gill like its residence address, residence phone number, Whatsapp number, office number, bookings number, Australia contact number of Jassi Gill, social profiles URLs and official website of Jassi Gill. If you are willing to contact Jassi Gill for show bookings or for any other concern, use this official contact information of Jassi Gill provided by us below.
Jassi Gill, whose original name is Jasdeep Singh Gill was born on November 26, 1988. He was born in the Mazhabi Sikh family in Jandali village near Khanna, Ludhiana. His current location is also Khanna, Punjab. He was a student at Gobindgarh College and studies a bachelor of arts in music subject. Due to this, he grew his interest in music.
His teacher helped him in improving his singing skills. He performed in various events and competitions. In less time, he was seen singing in Punjabi industry and became a Punjabi singer. Bhangra and Folk are the genres in which Jassi like to sing. His debut album ‘Batchmate’ was released in 2011 and became successful instantly.
In 2013, he released ‘Batchmate 2’, which was a bigger hit. He has given songs in Punjabi movies as well as single songs, which made him famous among youth. Not only singing, but he also tried his hand at acting. He didn’t plan to be an actor. He has done many Punjabi movies and he will continue doing it. His singing, as well as acting, is appreciated by his fans. Many of his movies got blockbuster hits, especially in Punjab. Along with this, Jassi Gill's song name Laden got a huge response from their fans. The latest song by Jassi Gill is Gabbro, which is also very much famous among the youth.
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Jassi Gill shares music videos, songs link, images, personal videos, photoshoots, wallpapers, event and concert updates on his social profiles regularly. You can get the notifications easily by following them.
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