Electrolux Office Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website
AB Electrolux or popularly known as Electrolux is a Swedish multinational manufacturer of home appliances. Its main headquarter is located in Stockholm, Sweden. The company is consistently ranked the world's second largest appliance maker according to the units sold. AB Electrolux as originated from two companies i.e. Lux AB and Svenska Elektron AB. The products of Electrolux sell under a variety of brand names. Electrolux also makes appliances for professional use.
You can also find the answers if some general queries of customers in this article like what is the office address of Electrolux, what is the office phone number of Electrolux, where is the head office of Electrolux located, what is the official email id of Electrolux, Electrolux head office contact details, Electrolux official website etc.
The company initially sold Lux branded vacuum cleaners in several European countries and later expand its market to Major and Small appliances. Currently, Keith McLoughlin is the President and CEO and Ronnie Leten is Chairman of the company. With more than 60,000+ employees the company serves worldwide with its variety range of products and services.
Electrolux Indian head office contact details including office address, phone number, email id and its social profile links, and some important links which might be helpful for the customer of the company are shared here.
Electrolux Head Office Contact Details
Electrolux head office is located in Mumbai.
Electrolux Head Office Address: PE Electronics Ltd. Corporate Centre, 5th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400059.
Electrolux Head Office Number: +91 22 61171000
Electrolux Head Office Fax Number: N/A
Electrolux Head Office Email ID:
Electrolux Official Website:
The link given above is the official website URL of the company, by following this link you can visit their site.
Social Profiles
Electrolux is among the popular electronics company. The company has its widespread presence on the social pages which are liked and followed by the people world over. Through these pages, the company tends to stay connected with people and people can also get all the important information through these.
YouTube Channel:
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter Handle: N/A
Google Plus Profile: N/A
LinkedIn Profile: N/A
Pinterest Profile: N/A
Instagram Profile:
Important Links
Service Centre Locator:
Electrolux service centers are located in almost every state of the nation. This is the service center locator of the company where people can find the nearest service center. Just select the region and city from the drop down menu.
Customer Care:
One can find the customer care helpline number and customer care email id of the company via this link.
People who are looking for the career opportunities with the company can visit the link. The link shares all the job openings of the company globally.
The product list of Electrolux includes Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens and Washing Machines. Know about the features, where to buy platform, price, specification etc. of the products here.
What is the Office Phone Number of Electrolux?
Electrolux Office Contact Details |
Phone Numbers |
Head Office |
+91 22 61171000 |
How to contact Electrolux Office (Other Ways)?
Electrolux Office Contact Details |
Address and Email IDs |
Head Office Address |
PE Electronics Ltd. Corporate Centre, 5th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400059 |
Head Office Email ID | |
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