Banaras Hindu University Address, Phone Number, Email, Website
If you are finding the contact details of Banaras Hindu University (BHU), then you are at right page. This page will provide you campus office address, phone number, fax numbers, email ID's etc. with reference of the official website of BHU. It is also consisting the information of Mahila Maha Vidyalaya.
Banaras Hindu University is a university in India which is situated in Varanasi, Uttar Pardesh (U.P.). Banaras Hindu University is a Public Central University. The university was established in 1916. The founder of Banaras Hindu University is Sh. Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya. Banaras Hindu University is having more than 20,000 students and that is the reason Banaras Hindu University is one of the largest residential universities in Asia. The objective of the university is to promote the study of Hindu Shastras. The university is affiliated by UGC, NAAC and AIU. The Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University is Sh. Dr. Kam Singh. The Vice Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University is Sh. Dr. Lalji Singh who is also awarded Padmashri by the President of India in 2004.
Banaras Hindu University offers undergraduates, postgraduates, Ph.D and diploma programs. Some of the programs offered by the university are B.Sc. (Agriculture, Nursing, Maths/Bio), MBBS, BDS, BAMS, B.Pharma, BNSY, B.A. (Hons) (Arts and Social Sciences),, B.Ed, LLB, Performing Arts(B. Khatak, B. Bhartnatyam, Sitar, Flute, Tabla etc.), M.Sc., M.Tech, MD/MS, MDS, Health Statistics, M.A., M.Com, MFM, LLM, MBA, Performing Arts(Kathak, Bhartnatyam, M.Musicology etc.), M.Sc., MCA, Agricultural Sciences, Arts, Commerce, LAW, Management Studies, Performing Arts, Medicine, Ayurveda, Dental Sciences, Science, Social Sciences, Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vijnan, Visual Arts, Enviornmental Sciences & Technology and many more. The facilities which are being provided by the university to the students are Placement Services, Internet and Computation Facilities, Extra Curricular Activities, Hobby Centre, Earn While Learn Scheme, Annadan Scheme, Health Services, Canteen, Railway Reservation Counter, BHU Club, Banking, Post Offices, Shopping Complex, Sports, Cultural Activities and Guest Houses.
[caption id="attachment_8069" align="alignnone" width="189"] Banarash Hindu University Logo[/caption]
Banaras Hindu University Contact Details
Banaras Hindu University Office Address : Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Road, Varanasi, Uttar Pardesh – 221005
Banaras Hindu University Office Phone Number: 0542-670-3253
Banaras Hindu University Official Website:
Banaras Hindu University Administration Details
Dr. Lalji Singh |
Vice Chancellor |
2368938, 2307220, 6701645, 6701648
Fax:2369100 |
(Fax) 2369951 |
Prof. G.S. Yadav |
Registrar |
6701673, 2368558
2307222 |
Abhay Kumar Thakur (IRS) |
Finance Officer |
0542-2368415, 0542-2307240
(Fax):0542-2368415 |
0542-2308300 |
Dr. K.P. Upadhayay |
Controller of Examination |
2307255 |
2308001 |
Dr. Vinay Kumar Singh |
Dean of Students |
2360943 |
Prof. A.K.Joshi |
Chief Proctor |
2362009, 2369134, 2368564, 6701211 |
Prof. S.V.S.Raju |
Vice President(Sport Board) |
6702009 |
Dr.R.N.Singh |
Gen. Secretary(Sport Board) |
0542-6702002, 6702012
Fax - 0542-2368530 |
Mob. 9415618909
Email: |
Prof. US Dwivedi |
Medical Supdt. |
2307559 |
9415223888 |
Prof. Ram Pratap Singh |
Officer-on-Special-Duty, RGSC |
0542-237283 |
Prof. Ravi Pratap Singh |
Chairman, Press Publication & Publicity Cell |
6701911 |
Dr. V. Pandey |
6701907 |
9450962335 |
Prof. S.P. Singh |
Supdt. Eng. |
2307245 |
2575089 |
Dr. A.K. Srivastava |
University Librarian |
6701008 |
9415293976 |
Dr. AV Sharma |
Director, Academic Staff College |
2369460 |
9453048626 |
These are the contact details of officials of various departments of the university. Students and Guardians can contact them via it.
Banaras Hindu University Anti-Ragging Squad
Prof. S.K. Trigun |
Chairman |
Dept. of Zoology, F/o Science |
9414811962 |
Dr. P.K. Goswami |
Member |
Inst. of Med. Sciences |
9415385128 |
Dr. V.S. Mishra |
Member |
F/o Law |
9415203351 |
Dr. B. Jirli |
Member |
Dept. of Extn. Edu., I.Ag. Sciences |
9450542832 |
Dr. Shraddha Singh |
Member |
Dept. of Hindi, F/o Arts |
9415530587 |
Dr. Yogendra Pandey |
Member |
F/o Education |
9235169512 |
Dr. Twincle Prusty |
Member |
F/o Commerce |
8874200866 |
Dr. N.P. Singh |
Member |
Nepal Study Centre, F/o Social Sciences |
9451585793 |
Dr. Ram Kewal |
Member |
Dept. of Entomology & Agril Zoology, I.Ag. Sciences |
9918955267 |
Dr. Seema Tiwari |
Member |
Mahila Maha Vidyalaya |
9450495675 |
Dr. Jyoti Rohilla |
Member |
Dept. of History & Arts, F/o Arts |
9335415655 |
Dr. K.A. Chanchal |
Member |
Dept. of Vocal Music, F/o Perf. Arts |
9415374765 |
These are the contact details of Anti-Ragging squad. If any of the student having any kind of problem or any harmful incidence happened to him, he can contact the above officials at any time.
Banaras Hindu University Alumni Cell Contact Details
Professor K.N. Singh |
Organizing Secretary |
Alumni Cell, Central Office, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221005 |
+91-542-2369359, 6701655Email: |
Here is the alumni contact details. Students or people who want to contact alumni department of university can take the contact information from above.
BHU Admission and Help Desk for International Students
Banaras Hindu University International Centre Address: International Centre, C/3/3, Tagore House, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221005, Uttar Pardesh, India
Banaras Hindu University International Centre Phone Numbers: 91-542-2307639, 91-542-2368130
Banaras Hindu University International Centre Fax Number: 91-542-2368130
Banaras Hindu University International Centre Email Id: ,
Prof. M. Joshi |
Chairman |
91-542-2575681 |
Prof. I.L. Singh |
Coordinator |
International Student’s Affairs and Collaborations |
9452569934 |
Prof. H.P. Mathur |
DY. Coordinator |
International Student’s Affairs and Collaborations |
9415203146 |
Here are the contact details for International Students. International Students who wants to know about the Admission procedure at Banaras Hindu University can contact on the above mentioned details.
Important Links
Official Website:
It is the official website of Banaras Hindu University. Students and Guardians who are looking for Banaras Hindu University can visit university website by above mentioned link. All the necessary and important information about university can be gathered from here.
Recruitment and Assessment Cell:
Here is the link of Recruitment and Assessment Cell. You can checkout all the details via above mentioned link.
Project/Temporary Vacancies:
For project/temporary vacancies you can go through the above link and can gathered all the information.
If you want to help BHU. Here is the link which contains all the information, contact no., fax no., and email id.
BHU South Campus:
Here is the link of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus. You can checkout all the important and necessary information about South Campus via above link.
Mahila Maha Vidyalaya:
The link above is the official website link of Mahila Maha Vidyalaya. Students and Guardians who are looking for MMV can visit MMV website via above link.
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