Amar Sajaalpuri Punjabi Singer Address, Phone Number, Email
We are sharing the contact details of famous Punjabi singer Amar Sajaalpuri. The post includes address, phone number, email Id etc. with reference of the official website. It will help you to contact the singer regarding shows, bookings, stage performances and schedule related details etc.
Amar Sajaalpuri, who is an Pujabi Singer as well as Lyricist. His real name is Amarvir Singh Mandair, born on 23 March, 1990 in Punjab. He started his musical career with song, Ik Paase Dila Meri Tanhaai Aa. The song was recorded with famous music director Popsy.
After it, the young singer competed a full music album named, Red Alert. the most popular song in this album was Dao Utte Zindgi. Keeday Pangey song was also the part of this album.
[caption id="attachment_5903" align="alignnone" width="256"] Amar Sajaalpuri[/caption]
Amar Sajaalpuri Contact Details
Amar Sajaalpuri Phone Number : +91-9465372848
Amar Sajaalpuri Press Contact Number : +91-9878657746
Amar Sajaalpuri Booking Agent Contact Number : +91-8968976172
Amar Sajaalpuri Address : Village Sajawal Pur, Nawashahr, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Punjab, India
These are the contact information which can be followed for show bookings, live concerts, events and media managements etc. related details
Amar Sajaalpuri Social Media Contact Details
Amar Sajaalpuri Facebook Fan Page :
Amar Sajaalpuri Twitter ID :
Amar Sajaalpuri Official YouTube Channel :
Amar Sajaalpuri Instagram Account :
These are the social profile and pages which can be followed to get the latest updates and information related to Amar Sajaalpuri i.e. schedule, concerts, live shows, latest wallpapers, images, profile information etc.
You can subscribe the YouTube channel of Amar Sajaalpuri to check out the latest videos of his albums and songs. You can also follow him on Instagram to check his latest, pics and images.
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