Searching about Shobana? Want to know the contact details like her Email Id, Office Address, Official Website, Residence Address, WhatsApp Number, and social media platforms she is active on? Then continue reading this article and you will get answers to all your questions.
Shobana (birth name Shobana Chandrakumar Pillai) is a Bharatnatyam dancer and Indian film actress. She was born on 21st March 1970 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
She made her debut with the Malayalam movie April 18 in 1984. She was later seen in movies- Vasantha Sena (1985), Eeran Sandhya (1985), Rareeram (1986), Vrutham (1987), Aryan (1988), Innale (1990), Maya Mayuram (1993), Pakshe (1994), Hitler (1996), Superman (1997), Sradha (2000), Thira (2013), Varane Avashyamund (2020), and much more.
We can’t share her Office Address, Residence Address, Phone Number, Email Id, Mobile Number, and WhatsApp number for security reasons. Below are the links to her social media profiles.
Shobana Office Address: N/A
Shobana Residence Address: N/A
Shobana Phone Number: N/A
Shobana Mobile Number: N/A
Shobana WhatsApp number: N/A
Shobana Manager Number: N/A
Shobana Fax Number: N/A
Shobana Email Id:
Shobana Official Website:
Shobana is available on Facebook and Instagram, as she likes to interact with her fans. So go ahead and follow her social media profiles, you can drop her messages, like her photo, comment on her photo, and stay connected with her.
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle: N/A
Google Plus Profile: N/A
LinkedIn Profile: N/A
YouTube Channel: N/A
Instagram Handle:
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