
What is the salary of Lead Digital Transformation at Tata Elxsi?

The average annual salary for a Lead Digital Transformation position at Tata Elxsi in India varies based on different reports:

  • According to one source, the average yearly pay for a Lead Engineer at Tata Elxsi is approximately ₹13,68,256, which is 36% above the national average.
  • Another report states that the average annual salary for a Team Lead at Tata Elxsi ranges between ₹7.6 Lakhs to ₹25 Lakhs, with an average of ₹15.3 Lakhs.
  • For a Technical Lead, the average annual salary at Tata Elxsi is estimated to be between ₹11.0 Lakhs to ₹25.0 Lakhs, with an average of ₹17.7 Lakhs.

The average salaries for various positions at Tata Elxsi in India:

PositionAverage Annual Salary (INR)Additional Information
Senior Software Engineer₹8,11,834Highest-paid employees have the title of Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer, earning ₹9,30,750/year.
Software Engineer₹6,41,111Salaries at Tata Elxsi range from ₹3,57,178 to ₹18,43,368 per year.
Technical Specialist₹9,07,168 
Mechanical Design Engineer₹6,52,901 
Embedded Software Engineer₹3,80,984Employees with the title Embedded Software Engineer have the lowest average annual salary.
Design Engineer₹5,09,307 




List of common perks and allowances that Tata Elxsi offers to its Lead Digital Transformation employees:

  1. Housing Allowance: Financial assistance to cover housing costs, varying based on location and job level.
  2. Transportation Allowance: Reimbursement for commuting expenses, including fuel, public transportation, etc.
  3. Wellness Programs:
    1. Health Insurance: Comprehensive coverage for employees and dependents.
    2. Fitness and Wellness Initiatives: Gym memberships, wellness workshops, etc.
    3. Mental Health Support: Counseling services or employee assistance programs.
    4. Work-Life Balance: Flexible work hours, remote work options, paid time off.
  4. Employee Stock Options (ESOPs): Ownership stake in the company, based on tenure and position.
  5. Performance Bonuses and Incentives: Rewards for outstanding performance.
  6. Professional Development: Training, certifications, and skill development opportunities.

The key responsibilities for a Lead Digital Transformation role at Tata Elxsi:

  • Overseeing Change Management (CM):
    • Lead teams in planning and executing change management activities for transformation projects.
    • Ensure smooth transitions during organizational changes, technology implementations, and process improvements.
  • Driving Digital Transformation Strategy:
    • Work with business leaders to define and implement digital strategies aligned with organizational goals.
    • Identify trends, create roadmaps, and develop plans considering the fast-paced digital landscape.
  • Delivery Assurance and Excellence:
    • Manage project schedules, budgets, and quality to ensure successful delivery.
    • Maintain strong client relationships and uphold excellence in service delivery.
  • Technology and System Integration (SI):
    • Act as a key technology and system integration partner for implementing digital solutions:
      • Implement SD-WAN Automation and Orchestration for B2B/enterprise services.
      • Execute Fixed Network Core Automation and Orchestration projects.
      • Deploy SD-Security Perimeter solutions for products and services.


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