
What is the salary of Dayanidhi Behera - Vice President at Sterlite Industries?

Dayanidhi Behera, Vice President at Sterlite Industries, earns approximately ₹37.0 lakhs per year.

The approximate annual salaries for various positions at Sterlite Industries.

PositionAnnual Salary (INR Lakhs)Experience Range (Years)
Chief Manager₹22.310-16
Safety Officer₹4.83-10
Project Engineer₹5.53-8
Quality Engineer₹4.42-8
Project Manager₹12.88-14
Assistant Vice President₹44.88-18
Site Engineer₹40-10
Executive Engineer₹51-6
Deputy Manager₹14.42-12
Shift Incharge₹2.71-6

The role and responsibilities associated with Dayanidhi Behera's position as Vice President at Sterlite Industries:

  • Managing Operations:
    • Dayanidhi oversees the overall functioning of the organization, ensuring that all departments work cohesively to achieve company objectives.
    • They are responsible for maintaining operational efficiency, streamlining processes, and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Authority and Decision-Making:
    • Dayanidhi holds significant authority within the company, allowing them to make critical decisions that impact business operations and strategic direction.
    • They have the authority to sign official documents and enter into agreements on behalf of Sterlite Industries.
  • Executive-Level Meetings:
    • Dayanidhi organizes and leads executive-level meetings, where strategic initiatives, corporate governance matters, and other high-level topics are discussed.
    • These meetings serve as a platform for decision-making and setting strategic objectives for the organization.
  • Project Evaluation and Proposals:
    • Dayanidhi evaluates ongoing projects to assess their progress, feasibility, and alignment with the company's goals.
    • They are involved in proposing new projects and ventures that contribute to the growth and diversification of Sterlite Industries.
  • Communication and Representation:
    • Dayanidhi represents Sterlite Industries at external events, client meetings, and investor interactions.
    • Effective communication with stakeholders, both internal and external, is crucial to maintain relationships and uphold the company's reputation.
  • Reporting to Higher Authorities:
    • Dayanidhi provides regular updates on project status, financial performance, and other key metrics to the President, Board of Directors, and other senior executives.
    • They seek validation for major decisions and ensure transparency in reporting to key stakeholders.

Some common benefits and perks enjoyed by Dayanidhi Behera, Vice President at Sterlite Industries:

  • Housing Assistance: Dayanidhi may receive housing allowances or assistance to cover accommodation expenses, especially if relocation is required for work.
  • Transportation Allowance: Executives like Dayanidhi may receive transportation allowances to cover commuting or travel expenses, which can include access to company cars.
  • Wellness Programs: Sterlite Industries prioritizes employee well-being, offering wellness programs that may include fitness facilities, health check-ups, mental health support, and stress management resources.
  • Health Insurance: Dayanidhi likely enjoys comprehensive health insurance coverage for themselves and their family, ensuring access to quality healthcare services.
  • Retirement Benefits: As a senior executive, Dayanidhi may receive retirement benefits such as provident fund contributions, pension plans, or other investment options to secure their financial future.
  • Professional Development: Sterlite Industries invests in the growth of its leaders, providing access to leadership development programs, workshops, and networking opportunities to enhance Dayanidhi's skills and expertise.


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