
What is the salary of an Associate Manager at Tata Chemicals?

An Associate Manager at Tata Chemicals in India varies based on different sources:

  • 1. According to AmbitionBox, the average yearly pay for an Assistant Manager at Tata Chemicals ranges between ₹5.5 Lakhs to ₹11.5 Lakhs, with an average annual salary of ₹8.1 Lakhs.
  • 2. Indeed reports that the average Tata Chemicals salary for an Assistant Manager is approximately ₹6,60,736 per year.

The average salaries for various positions at Tata Chemicals in India:

PositionExperienceAverage Annual Salary (INR)
Deputy Manager7-15 years₹12.2 Lakhs
Junior Engineer1-5 years₹3.5 Lakhs
Assistant Engineer4-11 years₹5.3 Lakhs
Territory Sales Incharge5-11 years₹5.3 Lakhs
Associate Officer5-11 years₹3.4 Lakhs
Sales Officer2-9 years₹2.8 Lakhs
Graduate Engineer TraineeEntry Level₹5 Lakhs
Research Assistant0-4 years₹3.1 Lakhs
Senior Engineer7-18 years₹10.1 Lakhs
Area Sales Manager6-17 years₹13.8 Lakhs

The common perks and allowances that Tata Chemicals offers to its Associate Managers:

  1. Housing Allowance: Financial assistance to help cover housing costs, varying based on location and job level.
  2. Transportation Allowance: Reimbursement for commuting expenses, including fuel, public transportation, etc.
  3. Wellness Programs:
    1. Health Insurance: Comprehensive coverage for employees and dependents, including medical, dental, and vision insurance.
    2. Fitness and Wellness Initiatives: Promotion of employee well-being through fitness programs, gym memberships, and wellness workshops.
    3. Mental Health Support: Access to counseling services or employee assistance programs to support mental health.
    4. Work-Life Balance: Encouragement of work-life balance through flexible work hours, remote work options, and paid time off.
  4. Employee Stock Options (ESOPs): Eligibility for ESOPs based on tenure and position, allowing ownership stake in the company.
  5. Performance Bonuses and Incentives: Recognition of outstanding performance through bonuses, incentives, and awards.
  6. Professional Development: Investment in employee growth through training, certifications, and opportunities for skill development.

Some common expectations and tasks associated with this position:

  1. Project Management:
    1. Understanding Project Requirements: Grasping project goals, scope, and deliverables.
    2. Safety Oversight: Ensuring safety standards are maintained throughout the project lifecycle.
    3. Planning and Execution: Developing project plans, coordinating with different departments, and overseeing implementation.
  2. Maintenance Coordination:
    1. Daily Planning: Collaborating with cross-functional teams to schedule and execute maintenance tasks efficiently.
    2. Compliance Tracking: Ensuring compliance with preventive maintenance schedules and tracking maintenance jobs.
    3. IMPACT Planning: Developing action plans based on maintenance job tracking.
  3. Employee Relations (Deputy Manager):
    1. Employee Grievance Resolution: Addressing employee concerns promptly and effectively.
    2. Legal Compliance: Ensuring compliance with labor laws and timely filing of necessary documentation.
    3. Statutory Audits: Managing audits related to various statutory requirements and overseeing time office attendance and payroll inputs.


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