
What is the salary of a Telemarketing Executive at Southern Iron & Steel Company?

The estimated salary for a Telemarketing Executive at Southern Iron & Steel Company based on general industry insights:

  • Telemarketing Executive: The average salary for a Telemarketing Executive in India is approximately ₹2.5 lakhs per year.

The indicative salary for the position of Engineer at Southern Iron & Steel Company based on available data:

  • Engineer: The average salary for an Engineer at Southern Iron & Steel Company is approximately ₹3,00,000 per year.

The role and responsibilities of a Telemarketing Executive at Southern Iron & Steel Company:

  • Engaging Potential Customers:
    • Initiate outbound calls to potential customers to introduce Southern Iron & Steel Company's products and services.
    • Serve as the primary point of contact for handling inbound inquiries from prospective clients.
  • Understanding Customer Needs:
    • Actively listen to customer inquiries and concerns to understand their needs and requirements.
    • Tailor product or service offerings to address specific customer needs and preferences.
  • Product and Service Communication:
    • Effectively communicate the features, benefits, and value propositions of Southern Iron & Steel Company's products and services.
    • Provide accurate and detailed information to customers, addressing any questions or objections they may have.
  • Sales Conversion:
    • Utilize persuasive communication techniques to encourage potential customers to make a purchase or take a desired action.
    • Guide customers through the sales process, including order placement and payment processing.
  • Market Research:
    • Conduct outbound surveys or telephone interviews to gather market feedback, preferences, and insights.
    • Document customer feedback and insights to inform product development, marketing strategies, and sales initiatives.
  • Sales Targets and Accountability:
    • Work towards achieving individual and team-based sales targets set by the company.
    • Maintain accurate records of sales activities, including call logs, lead conversions, and sales closures.
    • Participate in regular performance reviews and meetings to assess progress and address challenges.
  • Shift Assignments:
    • Adhere to assigned work schedules and shift timings to ensure consistent coverage for customer engagement.
    • Coordinate with team members and supervisors to manage workload distribution and optimize productivity.

Here are the summarized employee benefits provided by Southern Iron & Steel Company:

  • Office Cab/Shuttle: Employees have access to transportation services provided by the company.
  • Retirement Benefits: Details about retirement benefits are not specified in the available data.
  • Stock Options: Stock options are not commonly offered at Southern Iron & Steel Company.
  • Annual Health Checkup: The company provides an annual health checkup for employees.


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