
What is the salary of a Project Manager at Subex Azure?

The average salary for a Project Manager at Subex is about ₹19.2 lakhs per year. This information comes from looking at 10 confirmed profiles, where salaries ranged from ₹18.1 lakhs to ₹24.6 lakhs. But remember, these numbers might change depending on things like how much experience you have, where you work, and the rules of the company.

RoleExperience RangeAverage Annual Salary (₹ lakhs)
Senior Software Engineer1-4 years6.5
Software Engineer0-5 years6.7
Technical Anchor3-6 years13.6
Test Anchor3-7 years10.3
Technical Operations Lead3-7 years9.5
Technical Lead4-8 years13.4
Software Developer0-4 years8.1
Senior Test Engineer1-4 years5.7
Project ManagerNot specified19.2
Technical Manager8-14 years21.7
Associate Director10-20 years31

some extra perks that companies often give to their workers:

  • Help with Housing:
    • Some companies chip in for housing or give allowances to help with rent or mortgage payments. They might even provide housing for employees.
  • Getting Around Help:
    • Transportation allowances help with travel costs to and from work. This could cover bus or train fares, fuel money for drivers, or even company-provided rides.
  • Staying Healthy:
    • Wellness programs focus on keeping employees physically and mentally fit. They might include:
      • Health Insurance: Covers medical bills.
      • Fitness Help: Paying for gym memberships, workout classes, or sports gear.
      • Mental Health Support: Counseling or stress management services.
      • Eating Right: Workshops or advice on healthy eating.
      • Balancing Work and Life: Flexible hours, working from home, or parental leave.
      • Comfy Workspaces: Good chairs and desks to keep you comfy at work.
      • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP): Private counseling for personal or work problems.

Here's a simplified version:

  • Help with Housing:
    • Some companies help with housing by giving money for rent or mortgage payments. They might even provide housing for employees.
  • Getting Around Help:
    • Companies might help with travel costs to work. This could be money for bus or train tickets, fuel for drivers, or even rides provided by the company.
  • Staying Healthy:
    • Companies want to keep employees healthy. They might offer:
      • Health Insurance: Pays for medical bills.
      • Fitness Help: Covers gym memberships, exercise classes, or sports equipment.
      • Mental Health Support: Offers counseling or ways to manage stress.
      • Eating Right: Gives advice or workshops on healthy eating.
      • Balancing Work and Life: Lets employees work flexible hours, from home, or take time off for family.
      • Comfy Workspaces: Provides good chairs and desks to work comfortably.
      • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP): Offers private counseling for personal or work problems.


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