
What is the salary of a Production Supervisors at Kirloskar Pneumatic Co.?

Production Supervisor at Kirloskar Pneumatic Co. in India earns around ₹3.3 Lakhs per year, according to data from 5 employees.

RoleExperienceAverage Annual Salary (₹ Lakhs)
Senior Engineer1-9 years7.2
Production Engineer4-7 years3.4
Design Engineer1-7 years3.4
Service Engineer3-8 years3.6
Junior Engineer1-10 years3.9
Senior Design Engineer3-8 years5.9
Senior Sales Engineer3-9 years6.0
Mechanical Engineer0-6 years2.5
Production SupervisorNot specified3.3
Sales Manager8-18 years12.8
Senior Service Engineer3-11 years5.6

Production Supervisors at Kirloskar Pneumatic Co. can enjoy:

Office Perks:

  • Free Meals: You get to eat for free at the company cafeteria.
  • Cafeteria: A big cafeteria where you can relax and eat.
  • Transportation: There's a shuttle service for getting around the office.
  • Child Care: Help for employees with kids.

Professional Support & Learning:

  • Training: Opportunities to learn new skills for your job.
  • Degree Assistance: Support if you want to study for a professional degree.
  • Work Opportunities Abroad: Chance to work in different countries.

Health & Insurance:

  • Medical Cover: The company provides health insurance to cover medical costs.

The main duties of a Production Supervisor revolve around making sure production teams meet their goals and produce goods that meet customer needs and quality standards. Here's what they typically do:

Managing Production Processes:

  • They oversee everything from getting raw materials to making finished products.
  • This includes planning production schedules, making sure the team hits targets on time and within budget, and using resources wisely.

Ensuring Quality Control:

  • They set up and keep quality control systems running to make sure products are up to standard.
  • This means checking products, looking at production data, and fixing any issues to keep quality high.

Managing Health and Safety:

  • They make sure everyone stays safe at work and follows safety rules.
  • This includes doing safety checks, fixing any hazards, and teaching the team how to work safely.

Leading and Developing the Production Team:

  • They lead the team, keep them motivated, and help them work well.
  • This means setting goals, giving feedback, spotting training needs, and planning training to help the team grow.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

  • They find problems and fix them to keep production going smoothly.
  • This involves finding the cause of problems and coming up with smart solutions.


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