
What is the salary of a Engineers at Kirloskar Pneumatic Co.?

Kirloskar Pneumatic Co. in India, if you're a Mechanical Engineer with 0 to 6 years of experience, you might earn around ₹2.5 Lakhs per year. This means your monthly take-home pay could be between ₹17,531 to ₹19,231. But it can vary depending on the specific job you do:

  • If you work in Production, Manufacturing & Engineering as a Mechanical Engineer with 1 to 6 years of experience, you might earn between ₹1.8 Lakh to ₹3.3 Lakhs annually.
  • If you're in Research & Development as a Mechanical Engineer with 0 to 2 years of experience, your yearly salary could range from ₹1.8 Lakh to ₹2.6 Lakhs.
RoleExperienceAverage Annual Salary (₹ Lakhs)Salary Range (₹ Lakhs)
Senior Engineer1 to 9 years7.22.4 - 9.5
Production Engineer4 to 7 years3.42.3 - 4.2
Design Engineer1 to 7 years3.41.5 - 6.0
Service Engineer3 to 8 years3.62.2 - 6.0
Junior Engineer1 to 10 years3.91.8 - 5.2
Senior Design Engineer3 to 8 years5.95.0 - 7.0
Senior Sales Engineer3 to 9 years6.04.6 - 8.0
Mechanical Engineer0 to 6 years2.51.8 - 3.3
Sales Manager8 to 18 years12.88.0 - 16.6
Senior Service Engineer3 to 11 years5.64.5 - 7.9

Kirloskar Pneumatic Co., employees get more than just their salaries. Let's look at some of the extra benefits they offer:

Help with Housing: Kirloskar Pneumatic helps employees find places to live. They might assist with renting a home, getting a loan for buying one, or other related help. To know the details, it's best to ask the HR team.

Travel Support: Employees often get help with traveling to work. This could mean getting money for fuel, using a company bus, or other ways to make commuting easier.

Stay Healthy Programs: The company cares about its employees' health. They likely have programs to help with staying healthy, both physically and mentally. These might include gym memberships, health check-ups, and ways to manage stress.

Engineers are like problem-solving superheroes in the world of technology and construction. Here's what they typically do:

Designing and Planning: They come up with ideas and make detailed plans for all sorts of projects, from buildings to machines.

Problem-solving and Troubleshooting: When things go wrong, engineers are there to figure out why and find clever solutions to fix them.

Research and Development: They're always on the lookout for new ways to make things better. This means trying out new materials, technologies, and methods.

Project Management: Sometimes, they're in charge of keeping big projects on track. They organize teams, set deadlines, and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Evaluating Structural Integrity: They check to make sure that structures and systems are strong and safe. This might involve running tests and doing calculations.

Advising on Environmental and Societal Impact: Engineers think about how their projects affect the world around them. They give advice on how to make things better for the environment and society.


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