Understanding the Organizational Structure of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a pivotal organization responsible for standardization, marking, and quality certification of goods in India. Understanding its organizational structure can provide insights into how it functions and the various departments involved in its operations. This guide will help you navigate through the organizational structure of BIS, detailing each department and its role.
1. Director General (DG)
At the helm of the BIS is the Director General (DG), who oversees the entire organization. The DG is supported by several Deputy Director Generals (DDGs) and various departments.
2. Certification Departments
Central Marks Departments (CMDs)
CMD-1, CMD-2, CMD-3: These departments handle the certification processes for different categories of products.
FMCD: Foreign Manufacturer’s Certification Department manages certifications for foreign manufacturers.
3. Standardization Departments
Sc. G (DDG-Standardization) oversees:
SPPD: Standards, Policy & Planning Department, which develops standards and policies.
IR&TISD: International Relations and Technical Information Services Department, handling international standards and technical information.
Publication & Foreign Languages: Manages publications and translations of standards.
ITSD: Information Technology Services Department, which handles IT-related activities.
4. Technical Departments
These departments are responsible for specific sectors and products:
CED: Civil Engineering
CHD: Chemical
ETD: Electrotechnical
FAD: Food and Agriculture
LITD: Electronics and Information Technology
MED: Mechanical Engineering
MHD: Medical Equipment and Hospitals
MSD: Management & Systems
MTD: Metallurgical Engineering
PCD: Petroleum, Coal & Related Products
PGD: Production and General Engineering
TED: Transport Engineering
TXD: Textiles
WRD: Water Resources
5. Administration and General Services
DDG (Administration)
Administration Department
General Services Department
Establishment Department
Hindi Department
Human Resource Development Department
Library Services Centre
Sales Department
Legal Department
6. Vigilance and Consumer Affairs
CVO: Vigilance Department ensures compliance and addresses grievances.
Consumer Affairs Department (CAD): Manages consumer-related issues.
7. Training and Technical Services
NITS (National Institute of Training for Standardization): Provides training related to standardization and certification.
8. Finance and Planning
DDG (Finance) oversees:
Accounts Department
Finance Department
P&C: Planning & Coordination Department
9. Regional and Branch Offices
BIS operates through various regional and branch offices across India to manage its extensive range of activities:
Central Lab
Eastern Lab
Northern Lab
Southern Lab
Western Lab
Bengaluru Lab
Guwahati Lab
Patna Lab
Project Management Works (PMW)
CRO: Central Regional Office
BPBO: Bhopal Branch Office
DLBO-1: Delhi Branch Office 1
DLBO-2: Delhi Branch Office 2
FRBO: Faridabad Branch Office
GZBO: Ghaziabad Branch Office
JPBO: Jaipur Branch Office
BHBO: Bhubaneswar Branch Office
KKBO: Kolkata Branch Office
GHBO: Guwahati Branch Office
JDBO: Jamshedpur Branch Office
PTBO: Patna Branch Office
RPBO: Raipur Branch Office
CHBO: Chandigarh Branch Office
DHBO: Dehradun Branch Office
HPBO: Himachal Pradesh Branch Office
HRBO: Haryana Branch Office
JKBO: Jammu & Kashmir Branch Office
LKBO: Lucknow Branch Office
BNBO: Bengaluru Branch Office
CNBO-1: Chennai Branch Office 1
CNBO-2: Chennai Branch Office 2
CTBO: Coimbatore Branch Office
HYBO: Hyderabad Branch Office
KOBO: Kochi Branch Office
VZBO: Visakhapatnam Branch Office
AHBO: Ahmedabad Branch Office
MUBO-1: Mumbai Branch Office 1
MUBO-2: Mumbai Branch Office 2
NGBO: Nagpur Branch Office
PNBO: Pune Branch Office
RJBO: Rajkot Branch Office
10. Specialized Departments
Hallmarking Department (HMD): Manages the hallmarking of precious metals.
Management Systems Certification Department (MSCD): Handles management systems certification.
Public Relations Department (PRD): Manages public relations and communications.
Understanding the organizational structure of BIS helps in recognizing the various functions and responsibilities within the organization. Each department plays a crucial role in ensuring that products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
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