
Solemn Declaration Requirement for Haj 2024

As part of the Haj 2024 application process, each pilgrim is required to furnish a solemn declaration that outlines their status. This declaration helps in categorizing applicants and ensuring that all specific requirements are met.

Key Points:

Purpose of Declaration: The solemn declaration is used to confirm the status of each applicant. This includes whether they are a Fresh applicant, a Repeater, a Companion of a pilgrim aged 70 or older, or a Lady Without Mehram (LWM).

Categories Covered:

  • Fresh Applicants: Those who are applying for Haj for the first time.
  • Repeaters: Pilgrims who have previously performed Haj and are applying again.
  • Companions of 70+ Pilgrims: Individuals accompanying pilgrims aged 70 and above.
  • Ladies Without Mehram (LWM): Women traveling without a male guardian.

Submission of Declaration: The solemn declaration form is included in the Haj Guidelines and must be submitted along with the Haj Application Form (HAF). This declaration ensures that the applicant's status is accurately recorded and that all related requirements are fulfilled.


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