Rothesay is committed to providing 24/7 support to its residents, ensuring that assistance is always available for community services, inquiries, and emergencies. Whether you need to contact the town for urgent matters or general inquiries, here is how you can reach out.
For immediate assistance or urgent inquiries, you can contact Rothesay through the following 24/7 support hotline:
📞 24/7 Support Hotline: (506) 848-6600
This hotline is available around the clock to assist with any urgent community service needs or emergency situations.
If you have non-urgent inquiries or prefer to reach out via email or visit in person, here are the contact details:
📞 Main Office: (506) 848-6600 (Available 24/7)
Reach out for any general inquiries, services, or to report an issue.
Send us an email for inquiries, feedback, or to request information about town services.
Physical Address:
📍 Rothesay Town Hall
70 Hampton Road, Rothesay NB, E2E 5L5
Visit the Town Hall during business hours for in-person consultations, service requests, and more.
The Rothesay Town Hall operates during the following hours:
Please note that 24/7 support is available through our hotline even outside regular business hours.
Stay connected with Rothesay and get the latest updates on community events, services, and announcements by following us on social media:
We regularly post updates, news, and information about community events and town services on these platforms.
Rothesay offers a variety of community services to its residents. Here’s how you can access or inquire about them:
Event Information:
Explore Upcoming Events - Check out the latest community events and activities happening in Rothesay.
Garbage Collection:
Garbage Week Schedule - Find out when garbage collection is scheduled in your area.
R-INSIDER Newsletter:
Subscribe to R-INSIDER - Get the latest news, events, and updates directly to your inbox.
Emergency Contacts:
Emergency Services - Access emergency contact numbers for urgent situations.
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