The University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA) provides a Cheque Requisition Form for clubs, societies, and departments to request payments for various expenses. Whether you're handling finances for a student group or processing a payment for a UWSA department, this guide will help you accurately complete the form to ensure timely and efficient processing. Follow the steps below to fill out the Cheque Requisition Form correctly.
Step 1: Basic Information
Step 2: Department/Club/Society Information
Step 3: Payment Details
Payable To: Enter the name of the individual or organization to whom the cheque should be made payable. Ensure this information is accurate, as errors may result in delays or issues with the payment.
Description of the Payment: Provide a detailed description of the purpose of the payment. This field is mandatory and should include specifics such as "Reimbursement for event supplies" or "Payment for guest speaker."
Charge Account Number(s): Write the charge account number(s) to which the payment should be allocated. If there are multiple accounts, ensure you accurately divide the amounts across the correct accounts.
HST: If applicable, include the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) amount in the designated field. If no HST is applicable, you can leave this field blank.
Amount of Cheque: Enter the total amount of the cheque, including HST if applicable.
Backup Attached: Indicate whether you have attached supporting documents, such as original receipts or invoices, by checking "YES" or "NO." Backup documentation is typically required to validate the payment request.
Step 4: Approval
Approved By: Obtain the signature of an authorized UWSA signatory. Eligible signatories include the UWSA President, VP Finance, GM, or Finance Manager. This signature is necessary for the cheque to be processed.
Finance Department Comments: This section is for internal use by the finance department to provide any comments or additional information regarding the request.
Step 5: Club and Society Section (If Applicable)
If the request is being made by a student club or society, fill out the additional section as follows:
Step 6: Attach Receipts
Ensure that all original receipts or invoices related to the payment request are attached to the form. This documentation is critical for the approval and processing of the cheque requisition.
Step 7: Submission
Submit the completed form and all necessary attachments to the UWSA office at Room 209, CAW Student Centre, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4. Ensure the form is submitted in a timely manner to meet the required processing date.
Troubleshooting Tips
What if I don't have all the required signatures?
Can I request a cheque without attaching receipts?
What should I do if I need the cheque urgently?
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