
Analyzing Pressure Distribution and Friction Coefficient in Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings

Hydrodynamic journal bearings are critical components in many engineering applications, providing radial load support and utilizing hydrodynamic lubrication to minimize friction and wear. These bearings are essential in machinery such as pumps, compressors, turbines, and precision tools. This article delves into the fundamentals of pressure distribution and friction coefficient in hydrodynamic journal bearings, shedding light on their design and operational efficiency.

1. Understanding Hydrodynamic Lubrication

Hydrodynamic lubrication involves the creation of a load-supporting fluid film between two sliding surfaces, preventing direct contact and reducing friction. This lubrication mechanism is governed by Reynolds' equation, which considers factors such as lubricant viscosity, film thickness, and pressure gradients.

Reynolds Equation: ∂∂x(h3∂p∂x)+∂∂z(h3∂p∂z)=6U∂h∂x+12η∂h∂t\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( h^3 \frac{\partial p}{\partial x} \right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left( h^3 \frac{\partial p}{\partial z} \right) = 6U \frac{\partial h}{\partial x} + 12 \eta \frac{\partial h}{\partial t}∂x∂​(h3∂x∂p​)+∂z∂​(h3∂z∂p​)=6U∂x∂h​+12η∂t∂h​


  • hhh: Local oil film thickness
  • η\etaη: Dynamic viscosity of oil
  • ppp: Local oil film pressure
  • UUU: Linear velocity of the journal
  • xxx: Circumferential direction
  • zzz: Longitudinal direction

2. Pressure Distribution Mechanisms

Pressure generation in hydrodynamic journal bearings can be attributed to three primary mechanisms:

  • Wedge Effect: Pressure generation due to fluid being driven from the thick end to the thin end of the wedge-shaped fluid film by surface movement.
  • Stretch Effect: Pressure generation resulting from variations in surface velocity.
  • Squeeze Effect: Pressure generation due to changes in surface gap or film thickness.

3. Sommerfeld’s Solution

Sommerfeld's solution provides an analytical approach to solving Reynolds' equation under the assumption of no lubricant flow in the axial direction, particularly for infinitely long bearings.

Sommerfeld Number: S=r⋅c⋅μ⋅NPS = \frac{r \cdot c \cdot \mu \cdot N}{P}S=Pr⋅c⋅μ⋅N​


  • SSS: Sommerfeld Number
  • rrr: Shaft radius
  • ccc: Radial clearance
  • μ\muμ: Absolute viscosity of the lubricant
  • NNN: Speed of the rotating shaft in rev/s
  • PPP: Load per unit of projected bearing area

4. Pressure Distribution in Bearings

The pressure distribution across the bearing surface is a critical factor in bearing performance. Figures 1, 2, and 3 illustrate the variations in flow velocity due to shear (Couette flow) and pressure gradient (Poiseuille flow), as well as the overall pressure distribution along the sliding direction.

5. Friction Coefficient Analysis

The friction coefficient in hydrodynamic journal bearings varies under different lubrication conditions, depicted by the Stribeck curve. The friction coefficient is lowest under optimal hydrodynamic lubrication and increases with misalignment or insufficient lubrication.

6. Practical Implications and Research Insights

The study of hydrodynamic journal bearings encompasses both experimental and theoretical approaches. Key findings from various research works highlight the importance of bearing geometry, lubricant properties, and operational parameters in achieving efficient bearing performance.


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