
What is the salary of the Head of the Department at Kesoram Industries?

The Head of Department (Mechanical) at Kesoram Industries commands a higher salary compared to the average across various roles in the company. The reported average salary for this position is ₹33.6 Lakhs per year, whereas the average annual salary across all roles in Kesoram Industries is around ₹16.8 Lakhs.

Salary InformationAmount (₹ Lakhs)
Average salary at Kesoram Industries~25.8
Salary range at Kesoram Industries₹15.6 Lakhs to ₹50.0 Lakhs
Top 10% of employees' salary (highest earners)>₹46.6 Lakhs
Average salary for Head of Department (Mechanical)~₹33.6 Lakhs

Role are:

  • Leadership: Lead the department and set high performance standards.
  • Strategy Development: Develop and implement strategic plans to achieve company objectives.
  • Team Management: Manage and provide guidance to the departmental team.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor team and individual performance to ensure efficiency.

Head of the Department at Kesoram Industries, you're in charge of important things. Here's what you'd do:

  • Leading the Way:
    • You decide where the department should go and make big decisions about what to do.
  • Running Things Smoothly:
    • You manage money, people, and other stuff to keep everything running well.
    • You check how things are going every day and make sure everyone is doing their job.
    • You find ways to make things work better and follow the best methods.
  • Leading and Helping Your Team:
    • You build a strong team by making sure everyone feels good about their work.
    • You help your team learn new things and get better at their jobs.
    • You tell your team how well they're doing and help them improve.
  • Working with Others:
    • You work closely with other departments to reach the company's goals.
    • You talk to people inside and outside the company, like bosses, workers, and customers.
  • Managing Projects:
    • You make sure projects in your department get done right.
    • You look out for any problems and try to fix them.
  • Following Rules and Doing the Right Thing:
    • You make sure everyone follows the company's rules and the law.
    • You make sure everyone acts honestly and does the right thing.
  • Being Creative and Adaptable:
    • You encourage new ideas and ways of doing things.
    • You're ready to change plans if needed because of changes in the company or the world.


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