Raheja Builders Developers Office Address, Phone Number, Email, Website

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Raheja Builders Developers Office Address, Phone Number, Email, Website

Raheja Builders is a construction company from the field of Real Estate working on various real estate projects. It was incorporated in the year 1990 by Mr. Navin M. Raheja as Raheja Developers Limited. It deals in construction work of townships, SEZs, hotels, service apartments, malls, multiplexes commercial buildings etc. The company has a strong influence in NCR and nearby areas of Delhi in the real estate industry. It has also its involvement in slum rehabilitation projects. Some of its major projects are Raheja Qutab Farms in Gurgaon, Raheja Expo Mall Tower C in Panipat, Sampada residential complex in Gurgaon and few more. Some of the upcoming commercial retail projects by Raheja Builders are Raheja Trinity, Raheja Mall, Raheja Highway Arcade and a number of more commercial retail projects. The company also deals in residential apartment projects and some of the upcoming residential projects of Raheja Builders are Raheja Revanta, Raheja Oma, Raheja Vedas, Raheja Atlantis, premium apartments in Gurgaon and few more. Raheja Builders has achieved several awards for their work i.e. CityScape Award, Asia Pacific Commercial Property Award, Assocham India Awards etc. Raheja Developers are among the top 10 builders of NCR. Sharing this list with - Supertech Limited, Gaursons India Limited, Ireo Management, DLF Limited, and few more top level builders. As the company has not any kind of special customer service support or toll-free helpline service. Here we are providing you the contact details of Raheja Builders like it's head office, corporate office and registered office addresses, office phone numbers, office fax number, official email ids, official website link, social profiles of Raheja Builders on various social networking websites and some of the important and useful links on the official website of Raheja Builders. For any query related to the company or their projects, you can contact the officials and helping staff of the company through below given details. Raheja Developers Logo

Raheja Developers Corporate Office Contact Details

Raheja Developers Corporate Office Address: Office Space #406, Fourth Floor, Rectangle One D-4, District Centre, Behind Hotel Sheraton Saket, New Delhi - 110017, India Raheja Developers Corporate Office Phone Number: +91-11-40611111 Raheja Developers Corporate Office Fax Number: +91-11-40611110 Raheja Developers Official Email ID: marketing@raheja.com (Marketing Inquiries) Corporate office of Raheja Developers is situated in New Delhi. For any query, help or information related to the company or their projects, use this info to contact the helping staff of the company. The phone number provided here is not toll-free, so you'll be charged on calling on this number. Public transit to reach the corporate office of Raheja Developers in Metro. Nearest metro station to the corporate office of Raheja Developers is Saket Metro Station, it is just 1 km away from the office.

Raheja Developers Registered Office Contact Details

Raheja Developers Registered Office Address: W4D - 204/5, Keshav Kunj Western Avenue , Sainik Farms New Delhi - 110062 Raheja Developers Registered Office Phone Number: +91-11-29553230 Raheja Developers Registered Office Email ID: dimple@raheja.com (PR queries) Registered office of Raheja Developers is also situated in New Delhi. For any query or information related to their projects, complaints or suggestions to the company, you can use these contact details and talk to the officials of the company. The phone number provided by the company is not toll-free, so normal call charges will be applied on calling on this number. Nearest metro station to Raheja Developers registered office is Chattarpur Metro Station.

Raheja Developers Official Email IDs

Career Inquiries: career@raheja.com Website Inquiries: info@raheja.com Customer Care: customercare@raheja.com Instead of calling, you can also mail your queries at the official email ids of Raheja Developers provided above. Use these email ids to contact the various departments of the company individually. Helping executives of the company will help you out in your query as soon as possible. Official Website: www.raheja.com Visit this link to reach the official website of Raheja Developers. On their official website, you can get all the information of company's upcoming projects, its location, site map, building design and detail related to the project. Any further information related to the company and other help related to the payments and loan amount calculator are provided here. Paste this link in a new tab of your browser and hit enter.

Social Profiles

Facebook Fan Page: facebook.com/RahejaDevelopers Twitter Handle: twitter.com/rahejadeveloper YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/rahejamedia Google Plus Account: plus.google.com/+RahejaDevelopersLtd Instagram Handle: instagram.com/rahejadevelopers Wordpress Site: rahejamedia.wordpress.com Vimeo Channel: vimeo.com/channels/rahejadevelopers LinkedIn Profile: in.linkedin.com/in/rahejadevelopers These are the links which project social media appearance of Raheja Developers. Follow them on social websites if you want to get the latest information, updates, images, events and upcoming project details. You can also watch related videos of the group on there official accounts here.

Important Links

Feedback Pagewww.raheja.com/sp-feedback.asp Any kind of suggestions, feedback, reviews, complaints etc. can be entertained by the company, if you will forward it by using the above link. Fill the complete form with your message and let the company know about your views related to them. Career - www.raheja.com/generalapply.asp If you are interested in working with Raheja group, then this link can be useful for you. Send your profile by using the application form listed on this page. As per review of your application, you can get the call related to the job / vacancy which will match your profile. Basically Raheja Group is looking for people of Head, Finance, Architect, Director, AGM, Project Managers, Managers, Supervisors, Engineerings, Executives, Architecture, Designer, Agents, Booking Control, Patwaris, Gunmen, Security, Drivers, Operation, HRD, Projects, Foremen, CMD Office, HO, Project Site Management etc. related profiles. Blog: blog.raheja.com For any further information related to the company and their projects, you can read their official blog. Follow this link to reach the official blog of the company. Parent Company: www.rahejagroup.org Raheja Group is the parent company of Raheja Developers and few more companies which come under Raheja Group. This is the official website link of the parent company of Raheja Group. For any information regarding Raheja Group and their services and projects, you can visit this link.  Enquiry: raheja.com/contact.asp#enq For any enquiry regarding the Raheja Developers, follow this link and fill the contact form with your personal contact details and with your enquiry.


  • Ashsih Mishra

    2014-07-31 11:37:33

    I am dealing in Real estate, and i want to work with Raheja also as a Business Associates / Channel Partner. Kindly, share payout slabs or procedure to work with Raheja's Team. Thanks Ashish Mishra 9811948896

  • Ashsih Mishra

    2014-07-31 11:37:33

    I am dealing in Real estate, and i want to work with Raheja also as a Business Associates / Channel Partner. Kindly, share payout slabs or procedure to work with Raheja's Team. Thanks Ashish Mishra 9811948896

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