Nindy Kaur Singer Contact Details Phone Number, Email Id, Website

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Nindy Kaur Singer Contact Details Phone Number, Email Id, Website

Check out the contact details of Nindy Kaur Punjabi Singer. We are sharing office address, phone number, email IDs etc. with reference of the official website of Nindy Kaur. Nindy Kaur is one the leading female Punjabi Singer. Nindy Kaur, born in United Kingdom, is an international singer. She started singing at the age of 10 and got the fame with her debut album "NINDYPENDENT". The album contains various superhit songs like Akhiya 2 Seater, Deewani etc. One of her song BBM is also quite popular among the social media. Day by day the music videos of her song are gaining more and more views. Nindy Kaur has also made her presence in Bollywood movies and music. She has been featured in movies like Aloo Chat, Kambakht Ishq and Yamla Pagla Deewana. Nindy Kaur is also fashion addicted and love to make new trends. She has also collaborated herself with All these mentioned information can be used for booking purpose too. You can invite Nindy Kaur for any concert, event, show, interview etc. too. [caption id="attachment_5351" align="alignnone" width="300"]Nindy Kaur Image Nindy Kaur Image[/caption]

Nindy Kaur Singer Contact Details

If you are willing to contact Nindy Kaur regarding any kind of inquiries. Then, you must go through with the below mentioned contact details Nindy Kaur Address : n /a Nindy Kaur Phone Number : +91-9990994040 Nindy Kaur Official Email ID : (for general information and inquiries) (for bookings), (for media relation inquiries)

Nindy Kaur Social Profiles & Pages

Nindy Kaur Facebook Fan Page : Nindy Kaur Twitter Nindy Kaur YouTube If you are a fan of Nindy Kaur Punjab Singer, then you must visit her official fan pages and accounts. It will also let you know about her schedule, plans, events, photos, videos, music videos, latest songs etc.

Important Links

Nindy Kaur Official Contact Page : It is the official website contact page of Nindy Kaur. By following it, you will find an contact for. It can also be used for immediate communication with Nindy Kaur's official persons. Nindy Kaur Official Website : For further information you can also visit the official website of Nindy Kaur. Nindy Kaur Songs Listen Follow this link to listen all of her songs online. Nindy Kaur Videos Watch Watch her latest videos online on this page of Nindy Kaur's website.


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