Mahesh Babu Actor House Address, Contact Number, Phone Number
Check out the contact details of Mahesh Babu which includes the Film Nagar-based house address, phone number and personal mobile number of the actor. If you are willing to contact the price of Telugu cinema can follow this page. If you are also fan of his acting and searching for these queries like what is the WhatsApp number of Mahesh Babu, what is the personal phone number of Mahesh Babu, what are the other ways to contact Mahesh Babu, what is the residence address of Mahesh Babu, Mahesh Babu personal contact details, Mahesh Babu social profiles etc then read this full article and get all available contact details of him. If any details are not available then we will surely update here when these details are provided by him.
About Mahesh Babu
Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Date of Birth: 9th August, 1975
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Nationality: Indian
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair colour: Light brown
First Language: Telugu
Mahesh Babu full name Mahesh Babu Ghattamaneni, is an Indian Film actor and basically Tollywood movies actor. He born in Chennai city of Tamil Nadu and currently living in the Hyderabad city of Andhra Pradesh.
Fathers name of Mahesh Babu is Ghatamaneni Siva Rama Krishna and mothers name is Indira Devi. His wife is Namrata Shirodkar and has two children Gautam Krishna Ghattamaneni and Sitara Ghattamaneni. His brother's name is Ramesh Babu Ghatamaneni, who is an actor turned producer.
His first movie was Needa (1979) in which he acted as a child artist. Murari (2001), Athadu (2005), Pokiri (2006), Dookudu (2011), Business Man (2012) and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu are few blockbuster movies which made helped him to become and sensational superstar of Tollywood.
He won various awards like Nandi Awards, Best Actor Award, Filmfare Award, CineMAA Award, Santosham Award etc. for his acting performance in various movies. People saw him in advertisements of various brands like Navratna Oil, Royal Stag, Amrutanjan, Provogue, Idea Cellular, Jos Alukkas, TVS, Vivel, Mahindra Tractors, Santoor Soap and Shopping Mall in South. For National and Andhra Pradesh brand endorsement of Thums Up, he replaced Chiranjeevi as well as Akshay Kumar too. In 2012, he was the 31st person in Forbes Top 100 Popular Celebrity of India. He is working on many upcoming projects which may come this year or maybe next year.
Mahesh Babu House Contact Details
Mahesh Babu House Address : Film Nagar, Hyderabad – 500096, Andhra Pradesh
Mahesh Babu House Phone Number : n/a
Mahesh Babu Mobile Number : n/a
By using the phone numbers, you can politely ask for an appointment to have a conversation with Mahesh Babu.
These are the full contact details of Mahesh Babu residence. The details are gathered from the research process of various websites. If you find the information wrong and have the right one. Kindly tell us, it will be our honour to update the correct information.
Mahesh Babu Social Account / Page
Mahesh Babu Official Twitter Account -
Mahesh Babu Official Facebook Fan Page -
Mahesh Babu Official YouTube Channel:
Mahesh Babu Official Instagram Handle:
You can follow Mahesh Babu through his Twitter account to get to know about his latest updates and personal pictures.
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hi i am malvika from kothapet srl colony is the biggest fan of u boss mainly me ilike u very much so plz reply me
2014-03-24 11:12:57
ur big prince of the world
2014-03-24 12:02:42
i love u sooooooo much mahesh sir & even my family likes u i like ur family especially ur 2 childrens im waiting 4 ur next film come back sooon
Mahesh Gs
2014-04-09 15:56:19
Hi iam mahesh from bangalore. Biggest fan of u, u will best f the act f hollywood films.:-)
like u very much so plz reply me
2014-04-11 19:34:43
jai shivaji namaskar sir mi akshay maharastra pune madhe katraj la rahato mi salmon shahruk & ritik yapeksha khup like karto aplya movie ekdam jhakas ha bhau
2014-04-11 19:40:41
namskar i am akshay from maharastra in pune i like your movies i biggest fan you & plese reply my comment jai shivaji
2014-06-18 10:31:21
2014-06-28 09:41:11
my dear mahi am a bigggg fan and ac of urs after watching dhookudu but u didnt reply me y ha.
Zainab Zafar
2014-07-04 21:37:51
Dear Mahesh Babu,
I am a really big fan of you I have a wish to meet in reality or get a chance to chat with you. I saw all your films dubbed in hindi. I AM A REAL BIG FAN OF U. I live in Andhra Pradesh. And most of your shootings are their. I am not living in India. I am an N.R.I
From Zainab
2014-07-10 10:01:30
Sir, m a big fan of u. I wanna 2 meet u once
divya k
2014-07-16 10:33:26
mahesh sir,i am a big,bigger,biggest fan of ur's
pls sir i want to meet u least once sir...pls do reply
hi i am malvika from kothapet srl colony is the biggest fan of u boss mainly me ilike u very much so plz reply me
ur big prince of the world
i love u sooooooo much mahesh sir & even my family likes u i like ur family especially ur 2 childrens im waiting 4 ur next film come back sooon
Mahesh Gs
Hi iam mahesh from bangalore. Biggest fan of u, u will best f the act f hollywood films.:-) like u very much so plz reply me
jai shivaji namaskar sir mi akshay maharastra pune madhe katraj la rahato mi salmon shahruk & ritik yapeksha khup like karto aplya movie ekdam jhakas ha bhau
namskar i am akshay from maharastra in pune i like your movies i biggest fan you & plese reply my comment jai shivaji
my dear mahi am a bigggg fan and ac of urs after watching dhookudu but u didnt reply me y ha.
Zainab Zafar
Dear Mahesh Babu, I am a really big fan of you I have a wish to meet in reality or get a chance to chat with you. I saw all your films dubbed in hindi. I AM A REAL BIG FAN OF U. I live in Andhra Pradesh. And most of your shootings are their. I am not living in India. I am an N.R.I I live in JEDDAH. PLEASE REPLY ME MAHESH BABU. PLS,PLS,PLS,PLS..... From Zainab
Sir, m a big fan of u. I wanna 2 meet u once
divya k
mahesh sir,i am a big,bigger,biggest fan of ur's pls sir i want to meet u least once sir...pls do reply