Gurpreet Ghuggi official contact details can be found on this page. We are sharing the office address, phone numbers, email ID with reference of the official website link. It will help you to contact the personality very easily. We have noticed that some people searching for these queries on the web like how to contact Gurpreet Ghuggi, what is the WhatsApp number of Gurpreet Ghuggi, what is residence address of Gurpreet Ghuggi, Gurpreet Ghuggi office contact details, Gurpreet Ghuggi hometown, Gurpreet Ghuggi personal contact details etc then don't worry below in this article we provide you some details about Ghuggi which are available on the internet, if any details are not available then we will surely update that details here soon. Gurpreet Ghuggi was popularly known as Ghuggi. He is a famous comedian and actor. His residence is Jalandhar city of Punjab. On July 19, 1971, he took birth in the Khokhar Fojian village Gurdaspur District which is also located in the Punjab state of India. He has two kids and the name of his wife is Mrs. Kuljeet Kaur. Ghuggi's fan can be found in various parts of the world. He is a very well known personality of Punjabi as well as Bollywood movies / TV shows. He has shown his acting talent in various movies like Namastey London, Race, Asa Nu Maan Watna Da, Yaara Naal Bahaara, Humko Deewana Kar Gaye, Singh Is Kinng, Mera Pind, Jijja Ji, Jag Jeondeyan De Mele, Tera Mera Ki Rishta, Speedy Singhs etc. Besides he was also the part of various comedy shows too. Recently he comes in politics also and join Aam Aadmi Party but unfortunately, he lost from his constituency and his party lost too.
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