Some people have questions in their mind about the Greenpanel Industries such as how to contact Greenpanel Industries, what is customer care number of Greenpanel Industries, what is the customer care email id of Greenpanel Industries, WhatsApp support number, etc?, then don’t worry here below we are sharing customer care contact details of Greenpanel Industries like its customer care number, customer care email id, customer care toll-free number, official social profiles, official website and some of the important and useful links of their official website. You can use these contact details to contact the customer service executives of Greenpanel Industries relate to any queries.
Greenpanel Industries Limited is India’s largest manufacturer of wood panels. Its state-of-the-art manufacturing plants in Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh make top-quality Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF), Plywood, Decorative Veneers, Flooring, and Doors. Shiv Prakash Mittal Founder & Executive Chairman. With more than 35 years of industry experience, Mr. Shiv Prakash Mittal is an iconic figure in the Indian wood paneling industry with the distinction of creating some of the industry's most successful brands. The company is committed to providing its customers with products and solutions that are not only way ahead of time but also fit their needs like a glove. Its wood panel solutions are contemporary and tailor-made to fit the evolving needs of our customers. It introduces an app named Carpenter Guru Mobile App which is available in 9 different languages to cut across the linguistic diversity in the country.
Greenpanel, previously known as Green Panelmax, is the largest manufacturer of MDF in India and is also the largest manufacturer of MDF in Asia. Its manufacturing plants have a combined annual capacity of more than 5,88,000 cubic meters of MDF. This is complemented by its robust distribution network of 3,000-plus outlets spread across the country. Today, Greenply Industries Limited is one of India's largest interior infrastructure companies with a turnover of Rs. 1,655 crore. The brand accounts for almost 26% of the organized plywood market in India and 30% market share in the domestic MDF market. The company recently de-merged its MDF (medium-density fibreboard) division into Greenpanel Industries Ltd, previously known as Green Panelmax. Greenpanel launches a mobile medical van to enhance awareness of rural health concerns. 23 Villages were covered under the Mobile Medical Van project. Greenpanel constructed a room for children covering an area of approx. 432 sq. ft. & toilet block. School furniture was also provided for the students.
Greenpanel Industries members can use the below-mentioned information for complaints, suggestions, feedback, reviews, problems, troubleshooting, etc.
Users can find the customer care details Greenpanel Industries. For general queries you can visit its website or write a mail to its customer care email I’d given below.
Greenpanel Industries Customer Care Number: 1800 102 2999
Greenpanel Industries Email ID:
Greenpanel Industries Customer Care Page Link: N/A
Greenpanel Industries Official Website:
Greenpanel Industries Head Office Address: 3rd Floor, Plot no 68, Sector 44, Gurgaon 122003, Haryana
Greenpanel Industries Office Phone Number: N/A
Greenpanel Industries Office Fax Number: N/A
Greenpanel Industries Office Email ID: N/A
Greenpanel Industries Office feedback Email ID: N/A
Greenpanel Industries Careers: N/A
In the case of any kind of queries and information related to their services, customers can make contact on these above-given contact ways. You can select your department from which you have complaints and make calls on these if given numbers. No, charges are applicable on toll-free numbers.
Follow this link to reach the official website of Greenpanel Industries. Here you can become a Greenpanel Industries member by clicking the links Also, all the services mentioned above are available on their official website, so paste this link into a new tab and enjoy the services offered by Greenpanel Industries.
The alternate way to contact the customer service team is using the official social profiles and pages of Greenpanel Industries. Follow them on social networking websites through the above-provided links and get updates and offers running on Greenpanel Industries.
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle:
Telegram Handle: N/A
Pinterest Page: N/A
Instagram Profile:
Google+ Page: N/A
YouTube Channel:
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