Gajendra Verma Singer Contact Address, Phone Number, Email, Website
Find the contact details of famous singer Gajendra Verma. We are sharing the full address of his office, contact person name, phone number, email ID etc. with reference of the official website. It will help you to contact the singer easily without any problem.
You must have heard the song, Tune Mere Jaana, Kabhi Nahi Jaana. This song made a record on social media and the singer became one of the most popular names in social network of India. Mr. Gajendra Verma is a very young and talented singer. He took birth in a small town of Sirsa which is located in Haryana state.
The song Tune Mere Jaana gave him a drastic fame on internet. People fall in love with the song specially the voice behind it. After that Gejendra Verma got break on various bollywood projects. He sung, Love Kiya to Darna Kya, Mann Mera, Sajna, Humse Hai Life etc. for various movies.
As far has his personal collection is concerned. Besides his popular song you can also find songs like Sun Mere, Mai Hara, Phir Suna, Aive Na etc.
[caption id="attachment_4557" align="alignnone" width="300"] Gajendra Verma Singer Image Wallpaper[/caption]
Gajendra Verma Official Contact Details
Gajendra Verma Office Address : BLive Music & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. 106, B-Wing, Twin Tower 2nd Cross Road, Lokhandwala Main Market, Andheri West, Mumbai – 400053, Maharashtra, India
Gajendra Verma Phone Number : 09823474747 (Priyanka)
Gajendra Verma Email ID :
Gajendra Verma Official Website :
The official website of Gejendra Verma which is mentioned here can be used to know more about him. You can also find wallpapers, images, pictures, videos and collection updates on it. Few of his songs are available on his site to listen online free.
Follow the contact details for booking the singer Gajendra Verma for shows, concerts, live events etc. Charges and fee related details can be obtained after contact only.
Gajendra Verma Social Profile Links
Gajendra Verma Facebook Fan Page :
Gajendra Verma ReverbNation Page :
This page can help you out to listen and download his songs for free. His creations are available on this page.
mahaveer singh
Hi Dear Gajendra, i have some good song with composition. please contact me 9833902481
mahaveer singh
Hi Dear Gajendra, i have some good song with composition. please contact me 9833902481