Dharmender Singh Koli (AAP) Office Contact Address, Phone Number
We are sharing the contact details of Dharmender Singh Koli (AAP) sunder nagari based office /residence contact address, phone number etc. It will help the people to contact Dharmender Singh Koli who is a politician belongs to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as well as Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Seemapuri Constituency of New Delhi area.
Dharmender Singh Koli is an politician who has been elected as MLA for 63 Seemapuri, Delhi (Delhi) constituency , at Serial no 102 in Part no 117. Areas like Dilshad Garden, Dilshad Colony, Nand Nagri, Janta Flats, Sunder Nagri and Seemapuri. He defeated former Congress MLA Veer Singh Dhingan in his first attempt of Assembly Elections.
Dharmender Singh Koli Personal Information
He is a young guy and politician got the ticket after the death of his sister Santosh Koli. Although Dharmender ji has 10th pass by education but has experience in working for social service activities at ground level.
Mr. Dharmender Singh Koli along with his sister Santosh Koli take part in various social movements with
Arvind Kejriwal and team. Mr. Ranjeet Singh is the name of his father.
Dharmender Singh Koli Contact Details
Dharmender Singh Koli Residence / Office Address - 45, Block-F-1, Sunder Nagari, Delhi.
Dharmender Singh Koli Phone Number - 09582921324
The contact details can be used for the people who are willing to share their queries, complaints, feedback, demands for developments and other kind of paper works too.
Important Links
Personal & Assets Information -
You can get the further information about Mr. Dharmender Koli which includes assets, liabilities, criminal cases and personal information too.
Dharmender Singh Koli Facebook ID - n / a
Dharmender Singh Koli Twitter Account - n / a
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