DD News Channel Office Contact Address, Phone Numbers, Email

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DD News Channel Office Contact Address, Phone Numbers, Email

We are providing you contact details of DD News Channel on this page. Which consists full office address, phone number, fax number, email ID etc. with reference of the official website of DD News. Even you can also check the necessary URL's to use them. DD News is one of the popular news channels in India. Its full form is Doordarshan News and it is an only 24 hours terrestrial news channel and it telecasts news in both Hindi and English. It is owned by Prasar Bharati, one of the oldest well known names in the field of television industry. This channel was launched in 2003 in place of DD Metro. Some of the associated channels or sister channels of DD News are DD National, DD India, DD Sports, DD Bharati and  DD Metro. These channels are in reach of almost half of India. In many part of India still the news channel people able to see is DD News and it show programs on terrestrial area and also on their culture, rural areas topic discussions, village topic discussions and many more. [caption id="attachment_3092" align="alignnone" width="298"]DD News Logo DD News Logo[/caption] As we have provided you a small introduction of DD News Channel of India which will help you in knowing the channel in some way and if you want to contact the channel then you can have the contact information we are providing further.

DD News Channel Head Office Contact Details

DD News Office Address: Doordarshan Bhawan, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi- 110001. DD News Channel Phone Number: +91-11-23386603 DD News Channel Fax Number: +91-11-23382452 DD News Channel EMail ID : webadmin@dd.nic.in DD News Channel Official Website: www.ddinews.gov.in The official website of the News Channel can be used to check the news online any time. Other contact information can be used for complaints, suggestions, reviews, feedback etc. related to TV shows, programs and services of DD News.

Important Links

Contact Us: www.ddindia.gov.in/Information/Contact+Us This link will take you to the contact us page of the DD News. Opportunities : www.ddinews.gov.in/Opportunities/ Employments, jobs, recruitment notifications, written test / exams results, advertisements, training and internship related programs information can be obtained from this link. And hence we have provided the knowledge of the DD News along with the available its contact details and if you need something more then visit the official website mentioned above.


  • g.singh

    2014-07-14 20:32:22

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  • g.singh

    2014-07-14 20:32:22

    iam liveing in holland 30 yr and i write one artical dutch poeple like much.i help poeple if libit sick free cost becouse i give good name of india.www-allesgoed.com one dutch national tv visited my home interted my artical and interview with me. i dont come in india 20 yr if i get chance indian tv give mostional program. second i have tru story sad and painful victim by philppines country even i been philppies of president ask justic if interted send to u story. thnks lisen to me and pls reply me.some time i look ur tv dd hindi news thnks for. g.singh from hollad.

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