Click2Door Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address


Click2Door Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Click2Door is an e-commerce destination covering a wide range of products that includes footwear, garments, jewellery, apparels, perfumes, accessories and much more. It brings its customers a product range from all across the world and is brought to the doorstep in a safe, transparent, confident and convenient manner. With each product general specifications and technical specification is given so that it is easy for the customer to understand the pattern and quality of the product in a better way. Click2Door matches the needs for everyone be it man, woman or child. One should visit this website to have a unique and pleasant shopping experience. For more details go through the contact information given below which includes the customer care phone number, customer care email id, office address, phone number, email id, fax number, official website, social profiles, etc of Click2Door and its important links. Click2Door has partnered with Grab On, Coupon Dekho, Coupon Dunia, Coupon Haat, Voucher Codes etc to provide better deals to the customer. Payments can be made by cash on delivery, Pay mate, Visa, Master/Maestro card and net banking. It adheres to worldwide standards of delivery by providing quick and on time delivery. It also provides order details at each and every phase through SMS and e-mails. By creating an account on Click2Door a person will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an order's status, and keep track of the orders which have been previously made. Get the most recent updates from the website and be updated by subscribing to its newsletter. Click2Door Logo

Click2Door Customer Care Contact Details

Click2Door’s round the clock committed customer care department is constantly proactive to resolve any of customers' issues, general questions and different issues emerging from the purchasing procedure.

Click2Door Customer Care Number: 8010152152

For order related information, cancellation and returns, payment or any other general query one can call on this number to get the solutions of the problems.

Click2Door Customer Care Email Id

Customer Care: CEO: Email id has also been provided so that customers can reach easily to Click2Door’s customer care team.

Click2Door Head Office Contact Details

Click2Door Head Office Address: Click2Door, A - 552/2, New Ashok Nagar, Delhi-110096, India. Click2Door Head Office Phone Number: 8010152152 Click2Door Head Office Email Id: Click2Door Head Office Fax Number: N/A

Click2Door Official Website:

Social Profiles

Click2door is also active on social media platforms. Social profiles of Click2Door are given below for the customers to follow it. Facebook Page: Twitter Handle: LinkedIn Profile: Google plus profile: YouTube channel: N/A Instagram Handle: N/A Pinterest Profile: N/A

Important Links

Contact Form: The contact form can also be filled which is available on this link to contact the customer care department for any type of product related query, suggestion or feedback. Affiliates: Click2Door affiliate program is free and enables members to earn revenue by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises Click 2 Door or specific products on it. For more information visit this link. Shipping Policy: The estimated delivery time of the products is subjected to geographical conditions. To know about the full shipping policy one can visit this link. Cancellation Policy: Before cancelling the order one must read the cancellation policy by going through the link mentioned above.  


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