
What is the salary of the General Manager at Marg Constructions?

The average annual salary for a General Manager at MARG Limited (formerly known as MARG Constructions Ltd.) is approximately ₹20 Lakhs based on available data from sources such as Indeed and Ambition Box. 

The average annual salaries for various positions at MARG Limited (formerly known as MARG Constructions Ltd.).

PositionExperienceAverage Annual Salary (INR)
Accounts Finance and Taxation Manager23 years₹14.25 Lakhs

Company Secretary

18 - 22 years₹30.45 Lakhs
Junior Engineer1 - 6 years₹2.42 Lakhs
Administration Officer13 - 18 years₹5.10 Lakhs
System Administrator4 - 6 years₹3.36 Lakhs
General Manager17 - 22 years₹15.35 Lakhs
Assistant Manager Secretarial8 - 11 years₹5.32 Lakhs
Marketing Executive9 - 12 years₹3.47 Lakhs
MEP Manager13 - 14 years₹6.97 Lakhs

The key responsibilities and requirements associated with your position:


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