
What is the salary of an Engineer - QA & QC at IVRCL Infrastructures?

IVRCL Infrastructures & Projects, the average annual salary for an Assistant Engineer with 1 to 8 years of experience is ₹2.6 Lakhs, while for a Senior Engineer with 6 to 21 years of experience, it's ₹5.8 Lakhs

IVRCL Infrastructures & Projects, employees, including Engineers in QA & QC roles, enjoy several additional benefits:

  1. Health Insurance: You'll likely have access to medical, dental, and vision insurance plans to take care of your health needs.
  2. Transportation Facilities: Whether it's transportation allowances or company-provided commuting services, getting to work is made easier.
  3. Work Flexibility: With a possible work-from-home policy, you can balance work and life more effectively.
  4. Education Support: IVRCL may offer tuition reimbursement or aid for professional development courses to help you grow.
  5. Safety and Wellness: Expect safety initiatives and wellness programs like health screenings, fitness activities, and stress management resources.

The role of a Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) Engineer at IVRCL Infrastructures & Projects is crucial for ensuring that the company's products and services meet the required standards. Here's what they typically do:

  1. Developing Quality Plans: They create plans to ensure consistent quality throughout projects.
  2. Testing and Inspecting: QA/QC engineers conduct tests and inspections at various stages of construction to verify compliance with standards.
  3. Quality Control: They monitor work processes, materials, and documentation to maintain quality.
  4. Lab Equipment Expertise: Understanding different quality tests and lab equipment used in construction is essential.
  5. Reporting Findings: They report test results and deviations to management and document corrective actions.
  6. Collaboration: QA/QC engineers work closely with project teams, contractors, and suppliers to meet quality requirements.


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