
What is the salary of a Quality Assurance at Infotech Enterprises?

Quality Assurance Engineers in India, including specific details about Infotech Enterprises:

  • Average Salary Range in India: The average annual salary for a Quality Assurance Engineer in India is approximately INR 5,00,000 to INR 8,00,000 for professionals with moderate experience. Entry-level positions may start lower, while experienced professionals can earn significantly higher salaries, especially in leading tech companies or specialized domains.
  • Infotech Enterprises Inc: For a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer at Infotech Enterprises Inc, the average annual salary is estimated to be around $92,283 per year, with the majority earning between $86,089 to $97,824.
  • L&T Infotech: At L&T Infotech, Quality Assurance Tester roles typically have an average annual salary ranging from ₹4.9 Lakhs to ₹5.8 Lakhs, with an average of ₹5.6 Lakhs. Quality Engineer positions at L&T Infotech have an average annual salary of ₹5.8 Lakhs.
  • ITC Infotech: For Quality Assurance and Testing roles at ITC Infotech, the average annual salary is ₹6.0 Lakhs per year based on available data. Additionally, Test Lead positions in the Quality Assurance department at ITC Infotech have an average annual salary of ₹13.5 Lakhs.
RoleEstimated Annual Salary (₹ Lakhs)
Quality Assurance Engineer17.9
- Average Annual Salary11.0
- Salary Range14.8 - 34.4
Team Leader - Business Excellence Team10.0
Senior Project Manager27.0
GIS Engineer15.0
Project Manager16.0
Senior Management34.5
Senior Management - Administration & Facilities21.0
Senior Bid Manager12.8
Other Roles14.5
- HOD - Engineering Division (Wind Turbine Projects)20.0

Potential benefits that Quality Assurance (QA) professionals like those at Infotech Enterprises might receive:

  1. Health and Wellness Support:
    • You could get access to programs that focus on your health and well-being, like gym memberships, mental health support, and health check-ups.
  2. Help with Commuting:
    • Some companies help cover the cost of getting to work, whether it's through public transportation benefits or parking reimbursements.
  3. Assistance with Housing:
    • While less common, some companies might offer help with housing, especially if you're moving for the job.
  4. Flexible Work Options:
    • Look into whether you can adjust your work hours or even work remotely sometimes, to balance your job with your life outside of work.
  5. Learning and Growing:
    • You might have opportunities for training and skill-building to help you do your job better and keep up with changes in the field.
  6. Extra Rewards for Good Work:
    • Some companies give bonuses or other rewards based on how well you and your team perform.

The key responsibilities of a Quality Assurance (QA) Manager in simpler terms:

  1. Setting Up Quality Systems:
    • Their main job is to create and manage systems to ensure that products or services meet quality standards. This involves making rules and guidelines for everyone to follow.
  2. Getting Certified and Following Rules:
    • They work with outside groups to make sure the company meets certain quality standards. They also make sure that quality checks happen at every step of making a product or service.
  3. Checking Inside the Company:
    • They check inside the company to make sure everyone is following the rules and doing things the right way. This helps find problems early and fix them.
  4. Stopping Mistakes Before They Happen:
    • They look for things that might go wrong and find ways to stop them before they happen. This could mean fixing things that have gone wrong before or finding new ways to do things better.
  5. Following Laws and Rules:
    • They make sure the company follows all the laws and rules about making products or services. This includes things like keeping workers safe and making sure products are safe for customers.
  6. Working with Different Teams:
    • They work with different groups in the company, like marketing, engineering, and legal, to make sure everyone is doing their part to keep up quality standards.



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