
What is the salary of a Head of Manager at IG Petrochemicals?

The salary for a Head of Manager at IG Petrochemicals can vary depending on factors like experience and location. Let's break it down:

  1. Average Salaries in India:
    • For a Deputy Manager with 7 to 13 years of experience, the yearly salary ranges from ₹6.3 lakhs to ₹10.0 lakhs.
    • Shift Managers with 9 to 23 years of experience earn an average yearly salary of around ₹9.7 lakhs.
    • While there's no specific salary data for the "Manager" role, we can estimate it to be competitive, likely higher than that of Deputy Managers and Shift Managers.
  2. Glassdoor Data:
    • On Glassdoor, the average salary for a Manager at IG Petrochemicals is about ₹10,20,926 per year.
  3. Additional Information:
    • The Managing Director & CEO, Shri Nikunj Dhanuka, has been with IG Petrochemicals since 1998, contributing to its growth.


RoleExperienceAverage Yearly Salary (₹)Salary Range (₹)
Chemical Engineer2 - 6 years4,68,1673.2L - 6.2L
Senior Chemical Engineer5 - 9 years6,10,9455.0L - 7.4L
Deputy Manager7 - 13 years8,11,6526.3L - 10.0L
Instrument Engineer3 - 8 years4,57,0663.3L - 5.9L
Mechanical Engineer1 - 6 years4,16,5643.0L - 6.0L
Electrical Engineer3 - 9 years5,87,1084.8L - 7.5L
Shift Incharge5 - 20 years8,69,9545.2L - 11.0L
Management Trainee0 - 2 years2,86,4382.3L - 4.0L
Production Engineer0 - 6 years3,49,4002.4L - 4.9L
Shift Manager9 - 23 years9,70,0008.4L - 12.0L

Head of Manager at IG Petrochemicals is likely to enjoy several benefits:

  1. Responsibility and Authority:
    • They hold significant responsibility and authority, which fosters a strong commitment to achieving results and contributing to the company's growth.
  2. Salary and Compensation:
    • The salary is expected to be competitive, considering the leadership role. However, exact figures may vary and should be confirmed directly with IG Petrochemicals.
  3. Additional Benefits:
    • Housing Assistance: They may receive allowances or support for housing, like rent subsidies or company-provided accommodation.
    • Transportation Allowances: Companies often provide help with commuting expenses, such as fuel costs or public transportation.
    • Wellness Programs: IG Petrochemicals likely offers wellness initiatives like health check-ups, gym memberships, and stress management programs.
  4. Leadership and Growth Opportunities:
    • As a Head of Manager, there are opportunities for professional growth, skill development, and career advancement within the company.

The role of a Head of Manager involves several important responsibilities and leadership duties:

  1. Setting Goals: Define both short-term and long-term objectives for the department that align with the organization's overall goals.
  2. Assessment: Continuously evaluate progress toward achieving departmental goals and adjust strategies as needed for success.
  3. Motivation: Create a positive work environment by motivating and inspiring team members to grow both personally and professionally.
  4. Productivity: Maintain high levels of productivity within the department by implementing efficient processes and practices.
  5. Quality Assurance: Ensure that all activities meet the highest standards of quality and take corrective actions when necessary.
  6. Communication: Clearly communicate job expectations and foster open communication channels within the team and across other departments.


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