
What is the salary of a Head of Instrumentation Technician at IG Petrochemicals?

The average yearly salary for an Instrumentation Technician at IG Petrochemicals is about ₹3.2 lakhs.

PositionExperience RangeAverage Annual Salary (₹)Salary Range (₹)
Instrumentation TechnicianNot specified3,20,000Not specified
Chemical Engineer2 - 6 years4,68,1673,20,000 to 6,20,000
Senior Chemical Engineer5 - 9 years6,10,9455,00,000 to 7,40,000
Deputy Manager7 - 13 years8,11,6526,30,000 to 10,00,000
Instrument Engineer3 - 8 years4,57,0663,30,000 to 5,90,000
Mechanical Engineer1 - 6 years4,16,5643,00,000 to 6,00,000
Electrical Engineer3 - 9 years5,87,1084,80,000 to 7,50,000
Shift Incharge5 - 20 years8,69,9545,20,000 to 11,00,000
Management Trainee0 - 2 years2,86,4382,30,000 to 4,00,000
Production Engineer0 - 6 years3,49,4002,40,000 to 4,90,000
Shift Manager9 - 23 years9,70,0008,40,000 to 12,00,000

Some common extra benefits that companies often provide:

  1. Housing Help:
    • Some companies assist with housing by offering allowances or help with rent or mortgage payments, especially if you need to move for the job.
    • Check with IG Petrochemicals directly to see if they offer any housing assistance.
  2. Travel Support:
    • Transportation allowances can cover your commuting costs, like fuel or public transit expenses.
    • Ask IG Petrochemicals about their transportation benefits to know what they provide.
  3. Wellness Programs:
    • Many companies care about their employees' health and offer wellness programs.
    • These can include gym memberships, health checks, and support for mental well-being.

What the Head of Instrumentation Technician does in simpler terms:

  1. Setting Up and Checking:
    • They make sure all the gadgets and equipment are set up properly and work correctly. This includes things like machines, devices, and tools used in factories or labs.
    • They also do regular checks to ensure everything keeps running smoothly.
  2. Fixing Problems:
    • When something goes wrong, they figure out what's causing the issue and fix it. This might involve taking things apart, repairing broken parts, or replacing them with new ones.
  3. Using Special Software:
    • They use computer programs to help them diagnose problems accurately. These programs help them understand what's going wrong with the equipment.
  4. Working Together:
    • They team up with other experts like engineers and technicians to design and improve equipment for better performance.
    • They also follow strict safety rules to make sure everyone stays safe while working with machines and electricity.
  5. Keeping Up to Date:
    • They stay updated on new technology and ways to make things work better by doing research and learning about the latest advancements in their field.
  6. Working Environments:
    • These technicians usually work in places like factories or plants where they help with making products like electronics, chemicals, or petroleum products.
    • Safety is a big deal, so they make sure everything they do follows safety rules and industry standards.
  7. Industry Connections:
    • They might work in industries like chemical plants or petroleum refineries, where they're essential for keeping everything running smoothly and safely.


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