
What is the salary of a Equity Research Analyst at JM Financial?

The estimated total pay and average annual salary for an Equity Research Associate at JM Financial in India:

  • Estimated Total Pay: ₹718,883 per year
    • This figure is based on our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model, representing the midpoint of salary ranges collected from users. The estimated base pay is also ₹718,883 per year.
RoleAverage Annual Salary (₹ Lakhs)¹Salary Range (₹ Lakhs/yr)
Equity Research Associate14.77.2 - 22.2
Equity Research Analyst26.2(Range not provided)
Associate7.53 - 12
Overall Average9.64.8 - 54.1

Some additional benefits that JM Financial may offer to its Equity Research Analysts in simpler terms:

  1. Help with Housing: Some companies assist employees with finding or affording housing. This might mean offering money for rent or home loans, helping with moving expenses, or providing allowances for housing costs. You can find out more about this perk by asking JM Financial directly or reading reviews from employees¹[1][1].
  2. Transport Help: Many companies give employees help with transportation costs. This could be paying for public transport or offering money for gas if you drive to work. Unfortunately, I don't have the specifics for JM Financial, but you can check with them or look at what employees say.
  3. Stay Healthy: Companies often want their employees to be healthy and offer programs to support this. This could include things like gym memberships, health check-ups, or even yoga classes. While I can't tell you exactly what JM Financial offers, you can find out more by asking them or reading reviews from people who work there.

What an Equity Research Analyst does in simple terms:

  1. Looking at Companies: They study different companies, especially ones that sell shares to the public, to understand if investing in them is a good idea.
  2. Writing Reports: Analysts write reports explaining what they found. These reports help investors decide where to put their money.
  3. Figuring Out Value: They try to figure out how much a company is worth by looking at its financial information and comparing it with similar companies.
  4. Making Models: They use fancy computer programs to make models that show what might happen to a company's value in different situations.
  5. Knowing the Market: Analysts need to know a lot about what's happening in the stock market and different industries to make good recommendations.
  6. Working with Others: They work with senior analysts and share their findings with investors and managers.
  7. Explaining Clearly: Analysts need to explain their ideas in simple terms so everyone can understand.


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