
What is the salary of a Customer Engineer at HCL Infosystems?

The salary details for Customer Engineers at HCL Infosystems in India:

  • Average Annual Salary: Approximately ₹1.9 lakh per year based on 51 salaries³.
  • Responsibilities: Customer Engineers provide technical support, handle installations and maintenance, interact directly with clients, and maintain documentation.
  • Skills and Qualifications: Technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, excellent communication skills, and relevant certifications (like CompTIA A+ or Cisco CCNA) are valuable.
  • Career Growth: Progression to roles such as Senior Customer Engineer, Technical Lead, or Solution Architect is possible through continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends.
DesignationExperience RangeAverage Salary (per year)Salary Range (per year)
Technical Lead5-13 years₹14.8 Lakhs₹6.8 L/yr - ₹22 L/yr
Senior Software Engineer3-9 years₹8.7 Lakhs₹3.9 L/yr - ₹15.5 L/yr
Senior Analyst1-8 years₹4.8 Lakhs₹2.5 L/yr - ₹8 L/yr
Software Engineer0-6 years₹5.2 Lakhs₹2 L/yr - ₹8.4 L/yr
Lead Engineer3-9 years₹8.8 Lakhs₹4 L/yr - ₹15.7 L/yr
Analyst1-6 years₹4 Lakhs₹1.8 L/yr - ₹7.6 L/yr
Senior Specialist6-11 years₹9.1 Lakhs₹5.1 L/yr - ₹14.5 L/yr
Technical Specialist5-13 years₹12.7 Lakhs₹6.4 L/yr - ₹20 L/yr
Associate Consultant8-16 years₹16.8 Lakhs₹7 L/yr - ₹24 L/yr
Senior Associate1-9 years₹2.6 Lakhs₹1.5 L/yr - ₹5.1 L/yr

The perks that HCL Infosystems might offer to its Customer Engineers in simpler terms:

  1. Help with Housing:
    • Some companies help with finding or paying for a place to live. This can be handy if you're moving to a new area for work. But remember, it depends on where you work and the rules of the company.
  2. Getting Around Money:
    • Companies often give money to cover travel expenses. This could be for things like gas, bus tickets, or parking fees when you're traveling for work.
  3. Staying Healthy:
    • They might have programs to help you stay healthy. This could mean paying for your doctor visits, helping with gym memberships, or offering counseling if you're feeling stressed.

What a Customer Engineer does at HCL Infosystems:

  1. Fixing Stuff:
    • They go to where the customers are and help fix their computer and tech problems.
    • If something's not working right, like a computer or server, they figure out what's wrong and make it work again.
  2. Knowing Tech Stuff:
    • They need to know a lot about how computers and servers work.
    • Whether it's Windows, Novell, NT, or Unix, they're the go-to people for tech issues.
  3. Being Creative:
    • At HCL Infosystems, they're big on new ideas and improvements.
    • Customer Engineers play a big role in coming up with better ways to do things and making the company better.


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