
What is the salary of a Building Automation Engineer at Honeywell Automation India?

The average annual salary for a Building Automation Engineer at Honeywell Automation India ranges from ₹2.8 Lakhs to ₹12 Lakhs

RoleAverage Annual Salary (₹ Lakhs)
Building Automation Engineer2.8 - 12
Senior Systems EngineerApproximately 9.1
Senior Project EngineerApproximately 9.5
Design EngineerApproximately 4.2
Operations ManagerApproximately 8.7
Project Control SpecialistApproximately 11.2
Account Manager (Sales)Approximately 10.6
Systems Engineer (IT)Approximately 6.2

Honeywell Automation India might give to its Building Automation Engineers:

  1. Help with Housing:
    • Sometimes, companies help their employees find a place to live. They might give money to help with rent or mortgage payments. This can make it easier to find a nice place to live near where you work.
  2. Travel Help:
    • They might give you money to help cover the cost of getting to work. This could be for things like gas for your car or tickets for public transportation. They might even have buses that take employees to work.
  3. Health and Wellness Programs:
    • Companies want their employees to be healthy and happy. So, they might offer things like:
      • Health Insurance: This helps pay for doctor visits and medicine if you get sick.
      • Gym Discounts: They might help pay for a gym membership so you can stay healthy and fit.
      • Counseling Services: If you're feeling stressed or down, they might offer someone to talk to.
      • Regular Health Check-ups: They might help you get check-ups to make sure you're healthy.
      • Flexible Work Hours: They might let you choose when you work so you can have a good balance between work and your personal life.
      • Workshops on Health and Wellness: They might teach you about things like healthy eating and how to manage stress.

What a Building Automation Engineer does in simpler terms:

  1. Checking Buildings:
    • Building Automation Engineers look at how buildings are set up. They see if they can make things work automatically, like turning on lights or adjusting the temperature.
  2. Making Plans and Setting Up Systems:
    • They make plans for how to make buildings work automatically. They set up systems to control things like lights, heating, and security.
  3. Testing and Fixing:
    • After they set up the systems, they check to make sure everything works properly. If something's not right, they fix it to make sure it works well.
  4. Keeping Records:
    • They keep records of what they've done. This helps them fix things later if needed and make things better in the future.
  5. Teaching and Working with Others:
    • They teach people how to use the automatic systems they've set up. They also work with other people, like engineers and builders, to make sure everything is done right.
  6. Watching and Making Things Better:
    • They keep an eye on how the automatic systems are working. If something could work better, they figure out how to make it better.
  7. Learning About New Technology:
    • They learn about new ways to make buildings work better. This helps them use the latest technology to make buildings smarter and more efficient.
  8. Following Safety Rules:
    • They make sure that everything they do follows safety rules and is safe for people to use.
  9. Getting Equipment and Software:
    • They work with companies to get the things they need, like equipment and software, to make buildings work automatically¹.


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