Alka Lamba (AAP) Politician Contact Address, Phone Number, Email
Alka Lamba politician office / residence contact address, phone number, email Id etc. information are available on this page. Through which any person can contact with her.
Alka Lamba is an political personality working with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Formerly she was working as a leader in Indian National Congress (INC).
Alka Lamba Personal Details
Birth Date - September 21, 1975
Fathers Name - Amar Nath Lamba
Mothers Name - Raj Kumari Lamba
Education - M.SC (Chemistry), M.ED
Alka Lamba Career
Alka Lamba started her political career from NSUI in Delhi University. She was Delhi State Girl Convener and became DUSU President too after an year. After that she as also appointed as all India Girl convener as well as NSUI President too.
Alka Lamba has also worked with All India Congress Committee (AICC), All Indian Mahila Congress, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee (DPCC), National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) and Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD).
In year 2003, she fought Delhi Assembly Elections against former Chief Minister of Delhi Sh. Madan Lal Khurana, in which she lost that contest.
Alka Lamba is also the founder and chairperson of Go India Foundation which was started in the year 2006. It is an NGO deals in empowering the youth towards taking part in political, social and economic activities for the development in the country.
Alka Lamba Office Contact Details
Office Address : C-39, Tagore Garden Extn. Near Holly Children School New Delhi-110027
Telephone Number : 011- 23019080
Mobile Number : 09810101100, 09810950121, 09650593000
Email ID :
These are the contact details which can be used for contact Alka Lamba Ji.
Important Links
Alka Lamba Official Facebook Profile -
It is the official Facebook profile of Alka Lamba Ji. You can check out the latest updates, photos, information etc. related to her.
Atal Bihari
koi Banat nahi .haar k aage jeet hai.
Mayank Madhur
Hii Alka Ji This said Mayank Madhur Actor/Director And Aam Admi Party Saportar Legal Team
manish nanda
I join your party
Mayank Madhur
Hii Alka Ji This said Mayank Madhur Actor/Director And Aam Admi Party Saportar Legal Team
manish nanda
I join your party