myDaily Meal Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address


myDaily Meal Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

myDaily Meal is an online store where one can find quick, convenient and healthy meals. The main aim of the company is to provide meals to the people who are unable to take out some time for meals out of their busy schedules and skip those meals. The meals have been considered safe by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).This article contains all the information of myDaily Meal which includes the customer care details like contact number and email id, head office details like address, contact number, fax number, email id and the link to the official website, social profiles and some important links. myDaily Meal Logo

myDaily Meal Customer Care Contact Details

myDaily Meal Customer Care Number: +91 77108 50009

The dedicated customer care department is always ready to provide high quality and satisfying services to its customers. Customers can contact myDaily Meal using the above number for any kind of detail, query, feedback, grievance or comment.

myDaily Meal Customer Care Email Id:

Customers can send an email on the email id given above if they need a written advice and response to their queries and doubts. A satisfying respond will be sent by a customer care executive as soon as it is read or within 48 hours whichever is sooner.

myDaily Meal Head Office Contact Details

myDaily Meal Head Office Address: myDaily Meal, 26, Navketan Estate, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400093, India myDaily Meal Head Office Phone Number: +91-7710850009 myDaily Meal Head Office Email Id: myDaily Meal Head Office Fax Number: N/A

myDaily Meal Official Website:

Social Profiles

Facebook Page: N/A Twitter Handle: N/A Instagram Handle: N/A YouTube channel: N/A Pinterest Profile: N/A LinkedIn Profile:

Important Links

Contact Form: The link which is mentioned above will take one to the Contact Us page of myDaily Meal. The page contains the address of the company, its email id and contact number. Customers can also subscribe to the newsletter to receive latest news and updates of myDaily Meal. Customers can also send a postcard to the heads and officials apart from calling and sending an email. Shipping and Delivery: myDaily Meal has loads of product which attracts the attention of customers. The company is flooded with orders from the customers. Despite all the traffic, the orders are shipped within 48-72 hours from the time the order is shipped. Frequently Asked Questions: Are you worried about the quality of myDaily Meal? Have many questions regarding the products? Want to know they have any side effects? If these kind of questions are prevailing in your mind then do visit the FAQs page of myDaily Meal to get all the answers to these questions and find some more. If any of the questions is not present on the page then one can directly contact the customer service department or write to them.


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