CERSAI Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address


CERSAI Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Are you a customer of CERSAI? Want to contact them? Having queries like what is CERSAI customer care number or Email id? Also need information such as office address, phone number, email id, etc. Want to follow them on social media? Check out this article for all such queries. Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest (CERSAI) is a government company licensed under section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. The company was initially started to keep a check on frauds while lending against equitable mortgages, where people would take multiple loans on the same asset from different banks. CERSAI acts a risk mitigation tool for the banks, housing finance companies, FI’s and the public at large to avoid multiple financing against the same property. CERSAI acts as a platform for filing registrations of transactions of securitisation, asset reconstruction and security interest by the banks and financial institutions. How to contact CERSAI Customer Care?

CERSAI Customer Care Contact Details

For more information about CERSAI, you can contact the customer care department.

CERSAI Customer care Numbers: 011-23740171, 23740172, 23740173

Above we are sharing customer care phone numbers of the company, customers can directly contact them in case of any help.

CERSAI Customer Care Email ID

Customer Help: helpdesk@cersai.org.in

For more precise information or any general information related to product and services, customers can connect through the above mentioned email id.

CERSAI Head Office Contact Details

Customers can visit the head office of CERSAI if they need more information related to product and services. CERSAI Head Office Address: Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India, 2nd Floor, Rear Block, Jeevan Vihar Building, 3 Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001 CERSAI Head Office Phone Number: 011-23740171, 23740172, 23740173 CERSAI Head Office Fax Number: N/A CERSAI Head Office Email ID: helpdesk@cersai.org.in

CERSAI Official Website: www.cersai.org.in

Also, check out the official website of CERSAI for more info related to the company and its products & services. Social Profiles Below we are sharing links of  some of the social profile of the company Facebook Fan Page:  N/A Twitter Handle: N/A Google+ Profile: N/A Instagram Profile: N/A Pinterest Profile: N/A LinkedIn Profile: N/A Important Links FAQ’s: cersai.org.in/CERSAI/JSP/IBACRFAQs.jsp You can visit through FAQ web page for more information. Contact Form: helpdesk.cersai.org.in Registered users can contact the company using this page.


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